Cat is considered one of the most important family members in most families. Considering it as a family member is not enough; you need to take care of your cat or the kitten from its initial days to the last days of its life. Generally, the age of a cat lies between 15 to 20 years. And the initial period, as well as the last period of its life, is considered a window period in which there are many diseases as well as infections that the cat is vulnerable to. So on such days, veteran visits are considered as due important. The visit to the vet doctor, i.e., the doctor of animals, is considered an important step in Great pet care. Here we have provided detailed information about how often do you take a cat to the Vet and what must be the care-taking measures related to your cat or kitten. Also, we have provided the most common infection, i.e., the coronavirus infection in cats. Just read out the context provided below and get the knowledge towards great pet care, especially the cat.

How Often Do You Take a Cat to the Vet? A Guide:

 Taking a cat to a vet means that you are taking your cat to vaccination, i.e., building the immunization of the cat towards some of the most common infections as well as diagnosing the cat. The diagnosis is generally done by some of the most common tests and the test examination of the stools as well as blood. It is recommended by the American animal hospital association that you must take your cat to the Vet at least once a year. Some can also follow the schedule of 6 months for the diagnosis as well as the vaccination of the cat.

Cat Vaccination:

Cat vaccination is generally done to increase the immunity of your cat to various infections. The FVRCP (Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis Calicivirus Panleukopenia) is considered one of the best vaccines that prevent cat infection. The kitten, i.e., the smaller ones in the cat family, are the general visitors or the, most of the time, visitors to the vaccine lab. They are the most important candidates for this vaccination. The vaccination is given in some initial days, i.e., 13-16 weeks after the birth of the kitten. Then the booster dose can be given every 6 months till the kitten develops good immunity.

Regarding the importance of vaccination, the cats who spend most of their time roaming outdoors are the most important vaccine candidates. The infection, i.e., feline leukemia, is a GI infection that spreads from one cat to another. So if your cat comes in contact with another cat, then there can be fecal-oral transmission leading to the infection spreading in your cat. So providing immunization in time is one of the most important aspects of how often you take a cat to the Vet.

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Importance of the Cat Visits to the Vet?

So following are some of the most important conditions that can resolve when a cat is taken to a veteran doctor.

  • Diagnosis: The Vet diagnoses the cat for various infections such as rabies, Intestinal infections, parasitic infection, or some most common infections such as coronavirus infection. So this becomes one of the important aspects that is covered in the vet visit of a cat.
  • Treatment for any medical condition: If your cat is suffering from any severe medical condition such as feline leukemia, then the Vet will provide some medication for your cat that can cure the infection or disorder in some initial period. So this will prevent your cat from going into some serious medical conditions.
  • Immunization: Immunization for a cat is important. It helps in the prevention of various infectious diseases in them. Also, it will help your cat to grow to its full potential and tackle every antigen entering its body.
  • Physical Body checkup: If your cat is suffering from some skin mite infection or some dental deformities that can lead to severe cause hen a visit to the Vet is important. Here the Vet will check your cat for such conditions and will treat it accordingly.

How Often Do You Take a Cat to the Vet – The Schedule:

The recommended schedule for a cat is divided into two different parameters. These parameters depend on the age of your cat, and they are as follows;

Below 7 years:

For such cats or the kittens included in this age group, you will need to visit the Vet every year for the diagnosis of the infection. The Vet will diagnose your cat with the stool sample collection s well as a physical body examination as well. But if you are vaccinating your cat again for feline leukemia and rabies infection, then you need to call up the material every 6 months. If scheduled, the Vet can also visit your home place for vaccination of your cat.

Above 7 years:

This becomes the critical period for your cat. In this period, the cat is most vulnerable to many contagious infections such as feline leukemia as well as the coronavirus infection. These diseases spread to your cat by visiting outdoors to different cats. Also, they spread through the fecal-oral route as well as through the contaminated foodstuff. The cats who snuff into the garbage tins are also vulnerable candidates to the infection. During this period, you will need to visit the Vet every 6 months, and he will diagnose your cat and will provide the proper medication if the cat is suffering from any condition.

So this is all about the cat visits schedule, i.e., every year in the initial years till 7 years. And after 7 years, every 6 months, due to an increase in the chances of infection.

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Traveling Tips to Carry Your Cats to the Vet:

Tips to Carry Your Cats to the Vet

So here are some of the traveling tips that you must follow while carrying your cat to the Vet, i.e., situated away from your residence;

  • First of all, you will need to travel by your car to the Vet.
  • Then you must have at least one cat carrier.
  • The criteria for the cat carrier are that it must be small and of enough size that your cat can fit inside it.
  • Also, the cat carrier must not be big as your cat may feel uncomfortable in it.
  • You will need to train your cat in an initial 10 to 15 days to stay within the cat carrier.
  • The door to the cat carrier must be open during these 10 to 15 days of training.
  • Then you can directly insist your cat be sited inside the cat carrier until you visit the Vet.
  • So this is the best way to travel with your cat throughout the journey to the Vet.
  • You can also try some of the travel bags that are made especially for the travel purpose of your cat.
  • But training is required here also.
  • And also, some of the cats can be trained in such a way that there can be no need for the cat carrier, and the cat can travel alongside your side.
  • Also, make sure that while traveling, your cat must not feel uncomfortable, as it can lead to the severity of the symptoms.

So this is all about the cat careers as well as the tips to travel along with your cat.

What Happens if We Don’t Follow the Regular Visits of the Cat to the Vet?

Regular cat visits are the recommendations by the American animal hospital association. So they have studied some of the changes that take place in cats during their lifespan. These visits are based on the chances that the cat can come across the infective agents and will get infected. So if you have the local brand of the cat, then it becomes not important to visit the Vet regularly. But if your cat is not a local breed but a gross breed, then you need to follow the schedule regularly as well as strictly. The gross breed of cats is more vulnerable to infections. They can host as well as get infected very early.

Also, through regular Vet visits, you will be able to detect cat diseases in their early stages, and this will help in a good prognosis. But if the regular visits t Vet are not followed, then the disease can land into its final stage leading to the death or failure of the drugs on your cat. So this is why regular visits to the Vet are important as per the recommended visits.

These visits have also scheduled the vaccination, i.e., immunization schedules into them. So it also becomes important for you to follow the immunization model.

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What Are the Common Diseases in Cats?

Common Disease in Cats

Cats generally land up into the following diseases in their lifespan, and the treatment for such diseases is important by the Vet itself to keep your cat as well as kitten healthy. So they are provided below;


Coronavirus does not mean the covid-19 that has occurred in pandemic form throughout the world infecting lots of humans. This coronavirus is a different disease in cats. In humans, the coronavirus affects the respiratory system, while in cats, it is the GI system, i.e., the gut. The coronavirus is transmitted through the fecal-oral route, i.e., from one cat to another. And it leads to loose, watery stools, also referred to as diarrhea in cats. Diarrhea will last for 2 to 3 days. But if not treated, it can last up to a week leading to complications as well as an emergency in pet care.

So visiting the Vet is very important if such a symptom is seen in your cat. The Vet will provide some medications such as the oral rehydration solution, some anti-diarrheal drugs, as well as some pro-biotics that will help your cat to recover from the coronavirus disease. The condition is considered benign, and here you will not cause any complications to your cat. However, treating diarrhea as well as fluid loss in your cat is of prime importance. This will help the cat to recover fast from the weakness that it will be suffering from. So this is included under the How often do you take a cat to the Vet?

Felin Leukemia:

Felin leukemia is an infectious disease that transmits through the droplet as well as the fecal-oral route. Also, feline leukemia is considered one of the most important and dangerous diseases. You can treat the disease by regular visits to the vet doctor by taking the cat to the hospital. There are many facilities provided over the vet service as various instruments are available there.


Rabies is a sensorineural disorder in which there is an increase in the salivation of your cat. Rabies is one of the most dangerous diseases in animals. It transmits from the dog bit or the injury to the cat by the dog and also through the exchange of body fluids. So you can prevent rabies infection by vaccinating your cat regularly. Rabies can only be prevented, not cured. So you will need to prevent it with regular immunization. 

Intestinal parasite infection: 

The intestinal parasite infection is transmitted through food infection. When your cat roams outside the house, then it comes in contact with the other cats as well as the garbage bins. The parasite is transmitted through the food they eat outside or by the fluid transfer from one cat to another. Intestinal parasitic diseases can also be treated while visiting the Vet. The Vet will provide anti-parasitic agents with the treatment for constipation. So you can also treat the intestinal infection by visiting the Vet.


So this is all about how often you take a cat to the Vet and the related information. So the visit to the Vet is quite important so that you can prevent transmittable diseases in your cat as well as you can prevent some complicated diseases. Read out the above context and then try it out for your new kitten or your cat. As they, too, deserve a good life free from diseases and co-morbidities.

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