What to do if you see blood in cat poop? Discovering blood in your feline companion’s feces can be an alarming sight, and it’s only natural to assume that it signifies a serious underlying issue. However, there exists a myriad of reasons why your cat may have blood in their stool, and fortunately, many of them can be easily resolved. Causes for this occurrence range from food allergies or ingestion of inappropriate substances to infections, parasitic infestations, adverse reactions to medications, anal gland problems, and even colitis, which involves inflammation of the large intestine. Astonishingly, even stress can induce blood in your cat’s excrement, such as during a recent relocation or the tumultuous fireworks season. On the other hand, more severe conditions like pancreatitis, toxin ingestion (such as rat poison), cancer, or blood disorders could also contribute to this distressing symptom. While several of these causes may be relatively mild, others pose a life-threatening risk and necessitate immediate veterinary intervention. Therefore, it is always prudent to consult a veterinarian to ensure the safety and well-being of your beloved feline friend.

What to do when there’s blood in your cat’s poop? What to do If You See Blood in Cat Poop?

Blood in Cat Poop

If you happen to observe blood in your feline companion’s feces, it is crucial to approach the situation with utmost seriousness and promptly seek professional guidance from a veterinarian. Hematochezia, the presence of blood in the stool, can serve as an indicator of diverse underlying health conditions specific to cats. Although certain causes may not be overly concerning, others demand immediate medical intervention. Safeguarding the well-being of your beloved cat entails following these steps:

Consult a veterinarian:

Consult a veterinarian

It’s crucial to act quickly and seek professional assistance from a reliable veterinarian if you notice blood in your pet’s stool. Scheduling an appointment with an experienced veterinarian can provide valuable insights into the root cause of the issue and enable timely treatment. Remember, taking prompt action can potentially save your pet from further health complications and ensure their well-being. So, don’t hesitate to reach out to a trusted veterinarian without delay.

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Provide comprehensive information:

Provide comprehensive information

To ensure the veterinarian has a comprehensive understanding of your cat’s condition, it’s important to provide relevant details about their recent behavior, diet, medical history, and potential exposure to toxins or stressful situations. Here are some unique examples:

  • Behavior: Lately, my cat has been exhibiting decreased appetite and increased lethargy. They have also been avoiding social interactions and spending more time hiding than usual.
  • Diet: I recently switched my cat’s food to a new brand. They had been consuming the new diet for approximately two weeks, and that’s when I first noticed the blood in their stool.
  • Medical History: My cat had a previous episode of gastrointestinal upset a few months ago, which resolved with a short course of medication prescribed by their veterinarian. However, this time the symptoms seem more severe.
  • Toxins/Stressful Situations: There have been no obvious changes in the household environment or exposure to toxins. However, my cat did experience some increased stress due to recent construction work happening nearby.

By providing these unique details, the veterinarian will have a more comprehensive picture of your cat’s situation, aiding in the accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment recommendations.

Observe accompanying symptoms:

Observe accompanying symptoms

In addition to the information provided earlier, it’s essential to note any additional symptoms your cat may be experiencing. These details can provide valuable clues to assist the veterinarian in their diagnosis. Here are some unique examples:

  • Changes in Appetite: My cat’s appetite has significantly decreased over the past week. They used to eagerly finish their meals, but now they only nibble at their food or sometimes refuse to eat altogether.
  • Weight Loss: I’ve noticed a noticeable weight loss in my cat. Their ribs feel more prominent, and their overall body condition appears thinner than before.
  • Vomiting: On a few occasions, my cat vomited after eating. The vomit contained partially digested food and was occasionally tinged with blood.
  • Diarrhea: In addition to the blood in the stool, my cat has been experiencing loose, watery bowel movements more frequently than usual.
  • Lethargy: My cat seems less active and spends most of their time sleeping or resting. They used to be playful and engage in regular activities, but now they seem to lack energy and enthusiasm.

By providing these unique additional symptoms, you’re offering valuable information that can assist the veterinarian in narrowing down potential causes and formulating an accurate diagnosis for your cat’s condition.

Avoid self-diagnosis and treatment:

Avoid self-diagnosis and treatment:

It’s understandable that, as a concerned pet owner, you may be tempted to search for potential causes or try home remedies. However, it is crucial to refrain from self-diagnosis or administering over-the-counter medications without professional guidance. Engaging in such practices can lead to unintended consequences, potentially worsening the issue or masking underlying problems. This could make it more challenging for the veterinarian to diagnose and treat your cat accurately.

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Every pet is unique, and its symptoms can be indicative of various health conditions. The expertise of a trusted veterinarian is vital in evaluating your cat’s specific situation, conducting necessary tests, and prescribing appropriate treatment.

Remember, your veterinarian has the knowledge, experience, and diagnostic tools required to provide the best care for your cat. By seeking their professional guidance, you ensure that your beloved feline companion receives the proper diagnosis and treatment, leading to their improved health and well-being.

Follow the veterinarian’s advice:

Follow the veterinarian's advice:

After the veterinarian has conducted a thorough examination and provided a diagnosis for your cat’s condition, it is crucial to follow their instructions for treatment carefully. Each diagnosis may require specific approaches, such as dietary changes, medication prescriptions, or further diagnostic tests tailored to address the underlying cause. Here are some unique examples:

In my case, the veterinarian diagnosed my cat with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). They recommended a gradual transition to a specialized, easily digestible diet and prescribed a course of anti-inflammatory medication. Additionally, they advised regular monitoring of my cat’s weight, stool consistency, and overall well-being.

Another example could be a diagnosis of a urinary tract infection (UTI). The veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics to clear the infection and suggest a urinary-friendly diet to prevent future occurrences. They might also recommend a follow-up urine culture test to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment.

It is essential to adhere to the veterinarian’s instructions regarding dosage, frequency, and duration of medications. If dietary changes are recommended, make sure to follow the prescribed diet and avoid offering any table scraps or treats that could exacerbate the condition.

Regular communication with the veterinarian is crucial during the treatment process. If any concerns or new symptoms arise, promptly inform your veterinarian to ensure appropriate adjustments to the treatment plan.

By diligently following the veterinarian’s guidance, you can optimize your cat’s chances of recovery and provide them with the best possible care for their specific condition.


Always remember that early detection and intervention play a vital role in achieving successful treatment outcomes for your cat. By prioritizing your cat’s health and seeking prompt veterinary attention, you increase the chances of a positive outcome and improved well-being for your feline companion. Here’s a unique example:

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By acting swiftly and scheduling an appointment with the veterinarian as soon as I noticed blood in my cat’s stool, I was able to receive an early diagnosis of a gastrointestinal infection. The veterinarian prescribed antibiotics and provided dietary recommendations. Thanks to the timely intervention, my cat’s condition improved significantly, and they made a full recovery within a short period.

Each health concern for your cat is unique, and seeking timely veterinary attention allows for a comprehensive evaluation and the implementation of appropriate treatment measures. Remember, your veterinarian possesses the knowledge, skills, and resources to accurately diagnose and provide the necessary care for your cat’s specific condition.

By being proactive and prioritizing your cat’s health, you demonstrate your commitment to their well-being. So, don’t hesitate to seek professional help without delay, as it can make a significant difference in your cat’s prognosis and quality of life.

Is blood in cat poop normal?

It’s crucial to emphasize that blood in a cat’s stool is not considered normal. Hematochezia, the presence of blood in the stool, is a concerning symptom that indicates an underlying problem requiring veterinary attention.

Every case of blood in a cat’s stool is unique, and it can be caused by various factors such as gastrointestinal infections, parasites, inflammatory bowel disease, dietary sensitivities, trauma, or more severe conditions like tumors or gastrointestinal bleeding disorders.

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To ensure the health and well-being of your cat, it’s essential to consult a veterinarian promptly. They will conduct a thorough examination, possibly recommend diagnostic tests, and provide appropriate treatment based on the specific underlying cause. Early detection and intervention increase the chances of successful treatment and a positive outcome for your feline companion.

Never dismiss blood in your cat’s stool as normal. By seeking professional veterinary care, you demonstrate your commitment to your cat’s health and ensure they receive the necessary attention and treatment they require.

Can worms cause blood in cat poop?

Worms can indeed be a potential cause of blood in a cat’s poop. Certain internal parasites, like hookworms or whipworms, can cause gastrointestinal irritation and damage to the intestinal lining, leading to the presence of blood in the stool. Additionally, severe infestations of parasites can result in anemia, which may contribute to the appearance of blood in the feces.

When cats have intestinal parasites, they may experience symptoms such as diarrhea, weight loss, vomiting, and a visibly poor coat condition. The presence of blood in the stool could be an alarming sign indicating a parasitic infestation.

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