On this earth, there are various types of animals. Some animals are wild, and some are domestic. Domestic animals can live with humans. And wild animals cannot live with humans. Some of them also pet wild animals. Pet animals are dogs, cats, bearded dragons, rats, cows, sheep, goats, etc. these are all the animals that live with humans. Then the other animals, like elephants, lions, tigers, cheetahs, etc., live in jungles. Pet animals require special care. They should be kept in good care. Human food and animal food are different. Humans need different food, and animals need different ones. If we give animals human food, they will not bare it and will get sick. can bearded dragons eat bananas.

So there are different food supplements for animals. And if you want to feed your animal human food, then you need to ask your veterinarian first. And if the veteran tells you that you can feed that food, then you may go forward. The same is for bearded dragons. The bearded dragon is also a pet animal. Some of them pet the bearded dragon. There is different food to be given to the bearded dragon. Then some food supplements are good for bearded dragons. And some food supplements are not good for bearded dragons. Can bearded dragon eat bananas? Then we are here to tell you, is a banana given to my bearded dragon. So to know more about it, read the article below;

Can I Feed Bananas to My Dragon? Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bananas?

Can I Feed Bananas to My Dragon

Some fruits are good for your animals. And some fruits can work as a poison to your animals. So for reference, you can ask your veterinarian. They will guide you about the food that is safe for your animal or not. It is said that bananas are safe for bearded dragons. So you can give a Banana to your bearded dragon. But keep in mind that you can feed the bananas only occasionally. You don’t have to feed the bananas frequently. Then feed the bananas to the bearded dragon as a tasty treat but not as an everyday food. Then the bananas for a bearded dragon are a nutrition-providing fruit. But excess feeding of bananas to bearded dragons may create health issues.

Food That a Bearded Dragon Eats:-

Food That a Bearded Dragon Eats

Every animal or pet animal has its diet sequence. According to that pattern, we must feed them. And if by chance we feed them wrong, it may affect their health. Then feeding them suitable food to them is the best option. Then let us talk about the food that bearded dragon eats. Or we will see the food that is good for bearded dragons. Now there are types of animals. And types of animals are herbivores, carnivores, and Omniverse. Herbivores are animals that have grass. Then carnivorous means they eat or live on other animals. The Omniverse means the animals that eat both plant and animal-based food. And the bearded dragon is an Omniverse animal. So he eats both plant-based and animal-based food.

Then the food he eats is insects, fruits, and vegetables. But the food depends upon the age of the bearded dragon. This means if the bearded dragon is young, then it requires meat. And if the bearded dragon is old then he eats more plant-based food. So this is the difference in the age of a bearded dragon. However, the ratio of plant-based food and animal-based food may vary. The ratio of the fruits that you feed should be 10% to 20%. This is due to the sugar content in the fruits. Then the other fruits that you can feed your bearded dragon are grapes, apricots, apples, and strawberries. So you can feed bananas to your bearded dragon but in fewer amounts and occasionally.

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When Can I Feed Bananas to My Bearded Dragon?

When Can I Feed Bananas to My Bearded Dragon?

As we know fruits contain more sugar so they can be harmful to bearded dragons. Fruits also contain minerals, but their sugar content is more than that. And this also doesn’t mean that fruits are totally for them. You can feed them the fruits but in less quantity. The quantity must range in a ratio of 10% to 20%. And even the quantity of fruits depends upon the age of your bearded dragon. Then it also depends upon the diet structure of your bearded dragon. Then their age criteria study says that younger beardie requires animal-based food for their growth. And then the older beardies require more plant-based food. So this is what the age difference between bearded dragons says.

You are then talking about the number of bananas to feed. The study says that you can feed only one thin slice of banana at a time to your bearded dragon. Then the young beardies should be given bananas only once a month. And the old beardies can be given bananas once or twice a month. This is due to the high amount of sugar content in bananas. Also, the presence of calcium and phosphorus in bananas can cause health problems for bearded dragons. So you can feed bananas but in less amount to your bearded dragon. So this is how you can give a Banana to your bearded dragon. That’s it.

Is It Safe to Feed Banana Leaves and Peels to a Bearded Dragon?

Banana Leaves and Peels to a Bearded Dragon

Before moving to the point, we will see the information that will show the content in 100 grams of banana.

  • The water quantity in a banana is 74.91 g.
  • Then the protein is 1.09 g.
  • Then the energy in a banana of 100 g is 89 Kcal.
  • The fat level in 100 g banana is 0.33 g.
  • Then the level of carbohydrates is 22.84 g.
  • The sugar level in a banana is 12.23 g.
  • Then the level of fibre in 100 g banana is 2.6 g.
  • The level of phosphorus is 22 mg.
  • The level of calcium is 5 mg.
  • Then the level of potassium is 358 mg.
  • Then the level of Vitamin A and Vitamin C are three micrograms and 8.7 mg.
  • The level of iron is 0.26 mg, and the level of magnesium is 27 mg.
  • So this is the content that is present in the 100 grams of banana that you feed to your bearded dragon.

Now we will talk about the banana peels and leaves. Then the answer for whether it is safe to feed banana peels and leaves to beardies is Yes. It is safe to feed banana peels and leaves to your bearded dragon. Then the doctors say that the banana peels and leaves are healthy for bearded dragons. And this is due to the more fibre in the banana peels and leaves. The content is safe for your beardies. But the peels can choke the beardy’s food pipe. So you have to cut the peels into short pieces and then feed them.

And this will be the best way to feed the banana peels to your bearded dragons. Then another way to feed the banana peels is with the banana slices. Just cut the banana with the peel and feed your bearded dragon. But cut the banana into very small pieces. In this way, you can feed the banana peels to your bearded dragon.

Is It Safe to Feed Banana Leaves to a Bearded Dragon?

Is It Safe to Feed Banana Leaves to a Bearded Dragon?

There are various benefits of banana leaves. These leaves are rich in Vitamin B6. And vitamin B6 is helpful for your Bearded dragon. But still, we cannot find any research that says you can feed the banana leaves to your bearded dragon. Then we saw some research articles that say you can feed banana leaves to your bearded dragon. And it is also safe to feed the banana leaves to your bearded dragon. Then the vitamin B6 in the banana leaves help to metabolize the fats and the proteins in the beardies body. The research says that the leaves provide help in brain development and promote a healthy nervous system and immune system. So it is safe to feed banana leaves to your bearded dragon. That’s it. And in this way, you can feed banana peels and leaves to your bearded dragon. And they both are safe for your Bearded dragon.

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Why Are Bananas Good for Bearded Dragons?

Why Are Bananas Good for Bearded Dragons?

Now we will see some reasons the banana is good for bearded dragons. can bearded dragons eat bananas  Some might be finding reasons for bananas are good for bearded dragons. So we are here to discuss the reasons below;

Good Source of Vitamins:-

Bananas are a good source of vitamins. So the bananas are good for your bearded dragons. Then it contains Vitamin A and C.. These vitamins help the beardie body in various ways. It also strengthens the immune system and the reproductive system of bearded dragons.

Good Source of Calcium:-

Another good source available in bananas is calcium. The amount of calcium available in 100 g of Banana is 5 mg. And this amount is sufficient for bearded dragons.

Good Source of Potassium:-

Another good source that is present in bananas is potassium. Then in 100 g of Banana, you will find 358 mg of potassium. The potassium will help the kidney functioning, healthy muscle support functioning, and regulating fluid levels for beardies body. So these benefits of potassium for bearded dragons.

Good Sources of Minerals and Antioxidants:-

The best source of bananas is minerals and antioxidants. The antioxidants in bananas are catechins and dopamine. These antioxidants will help the beardies lower they are cholesterol and decrease the risk of heart-related issues. Then the minerals like iron and magnesium in bananas help to keep the tissue and bone healthy and strong.

It Promotes to Eat Their Greens:-

Another benefit of feeding bananas is that it will help the beardies to eat the greens. The bearded dragons cannot chew the green leaves properly, so the bananas will help them digest those green leaves. And to make their meal tasty, you can add bananas to their meal. And then they will eat the green leaves with the bananas.

So these are the five good benefits of feeding bananas to bearded dragons. And these are also the five reasons you can feed bananas to your bearded dragon. That’s it.

Reasons Why Banana Can Be Bad for Bearded Dragons:-

As we have seen some good reasons to feed bananas to your beardies. But even there are some bad effects of bananas. can bearded dragons eat bananas?  So we will talk about the reasons why bananas can be bad for your bearded dragons;


The first and most common reason is obesity. Bananas are rich in sugar, which can make your bearded dragon obese. Then the obesity in your bearded dragon can create various health issues. So you should avoid giving more bananas to your beardies. Try to control the amount that you feed.

Bad for Digestion:

Another reason is that it may cause digestion-related issues. Then it may also lead the beardies to diarrhoea and dehydration. The study also says that the high level of carbohydrates and sugar can create digestion issues in reptiles. So avoid giving more bananas to your beardies.

Choking Issue:

Another reason is the choking of bananas in beardies. The peels of bananas can create this issue. So cutting bananas with peels should be very fine and thin slices. And this is because they do not chew their food. Then chopping the bananas into thin slices can be a good option for bearded dragons.

Dental Problems:-

The excess feeding of bananas also causes tooth decaying-like issues in beardies. The sugar level in bananas can cause tooth-related problems. So the amount is bananas feeding can play an important role in the teeth health of bearded dragons. So the feeding of bananas to them should be within limits.

Due to Bone Metabolic Disease and Calcium Deficiency:-

B bananas are bad for a bearded dragon because of bond metabolic diseases and calcium deficiency. The studies say that most bearded dragons face Metabolic Bone disease issues. And the MBD is due to the poor diet of young bearded dragons. If the calcium is low and phosphorus is high, then this issue may occur. In this condition, the bone density decreases and becomes soft and weak. However, some owners need to gain this knowledge of calcium and phosphorus. And some of them provide calcium supplements to bearded dragons to maintain their Health. The doctors also say that the amount or ratio of calcium and phosphorus should be the same in the beardies. Now below are the signs and symptoms of MBD in bearded dragons;

Symptoms of Metabolic Bone Disease in Bearded Dragon:-

  • The first symptom you see is Swelling of the lower jaw of the beardie.
  • The other is the Swelling of other facial bones.
  • Then swelling of rear limbs in bearded dragon.
  • Another symptom is crouching low to the ground and seizures.
  • Then the next symptom is loss of appetite and lethargy.
  • And finally, you will see your legs shake when trying to walk and your inability to walk.
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So these are the signs and symptoms of MBD in bearded dragons. Ans these are all the reasons why bananas are rotten for bearded dragons.

How to Feed Bananas to Your Bearded Dragons?

Bananas Good for Bearded Dragons

Different ways are using which you can feed bananas your beardies. We have seen the advantages and disadvantages of feeding bananas to Bearded dragons. can bearded dragons eat bananas. Then in both, it is mentioned that bananas are good only if given in the proper amount and proper way. So we will see how we can feed bananas to bearded dragons as below;

Wash Bananas Before You Feed:-

The first step is washing or rinsing the bananas. We must rinse the bananas to determine whether the bananas are organic. Rinsing bananas will make them bacteria-free and risk-free. So washing bananas before feeding them is the best option. If you rinse the bananas, you rinse the maximum risk-causing factors. So it is good to rinse before feeding the Banana to your bearded dragon.

Always Purchase Organic Bananas:-

Another thing you must consider is buying organic bananas. Organic bananas are good for health. And these organic bananas will contain no pesticides on them. And bananas with no pesticides are good for the health of beardie. So while purchasing bananas, always purchase organic bananas for bearded dragons. So take precautions while purchasing bananas for your bearded dragons.

Chop It into Thin Slices:-

Another thing you must keep in mind is that you need to chop the bananas into thin slices. Sometimes the banana may get chock in the beardies’ digestive path. So chopping them in thin slices before feeding is the best option. The peels of bananas are hard to digest. So chopping them with bananas is a good option to feed the bearded dragon. To simplify digestion, chopping bananas into thin slices is better for the beardies.

Need to Watch Them While Eating a Banana:-

Suppose you feed the bearded dragons the bananas. It would help if you kept a watch on them. Then while eating the banana, you need to keep an eye on them, And due to this, you may observe your beardie while eating the banana. And if you feel any problem, you can solve it immediately. So watch the bearded dragons whenever you feed bananas to them. That’s it.

Avoid Leftover Bananas:-

The leftover bananas are not of any use and are not much nutritious. The leftover bananas can cause other health issues in bearded dragons. So whenever you feed them, the bananas clean up the leftover banana. If the beardie keeps the banana, then take it and throw the leftover banana. Then the study says that water-soluble substance like vitamin c disappears in the open air. So leftover bananas can be harmful if left ove rin air. Then for that, you have to remove the leftover banana for further eating. That’s it.

Amount That You Feed Also Matters:-

Then comes the amount and frequency of feeding bananas to your bearded dragon. It is said that bananas are rich in sugar and carbohydrates. And these sugar and carbohydrates are harmful to your bearded dragons. The. Some researchers say that the number of bananas for beardies should be less. And it would help if you fed bananas once a month. If the bearded dragon is you, you have to provide the banana once a month.

And if the bearded dragon is old, then you can feed them once or twice a month. But the quantity also should be less and a thin slice of banana. can bearded dragons eat bananas.

So this is how you can feed bananas to your bearded dragon. And this is the correct way to feed bananas to the bearded dragon.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Can I Feed a Banana to My Bearded Dragon?

Ans: As we have seen above, the answer is Yes. But there are some restrictions while feeding bananas to your bearded dragon. So follow those instructions while feeding bananas to your bearded dragon.

Can I Feed Banana Leaves and Peels to a Bearded Dragon?

Ans: Banana leaves and peels are safe for your beardies. So you can feed them the banana peels and leaves. But the quantity must be within the limit. If you provide the peels, you have to give them to a finely chopped banana. The peels of bananas are hard and may create choking. So cutting banana peels into fine slices is important. And then only feed the banana peels to your bearded dragon.

Is Banana Safe for Baby Bearded Dragons?

Ans: As babies of the bearded dragon are in a growing phase, they require proper nutrition. So bananas can provide that nutrition to them. So feeding bananas to the bearded baby dragon is safe. But it is safe only if given in small amounts.

What Is the Frequency of Feeding Bananas to My Bearded Dragon?

Ans: According to the study, you should feed bananas only once or, at maximum, twice a month. The number of bananas you feed should be not more than a thin slice of banana.

And these are the right ways to feed bananas to your bearded dragon. And answer to can bearded dragons eat bananas

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