The bearded dragon eats various fruits and green vegetables. But there are some fruits that are only fed occasionally and as a treat. So there is a question that can bearded dragons eat watermelon? Now we are here to tell you about the question. So read the article below to know can bearded dragons eat watermelon or not;

Can I feed watermelon to my bearded dragon? Can Bearded Dragons Eat Watermelon?

Some of you might be thinking about whether feeding watermelon to your bearded dragon is good or bad. Then we will help you to find out the answer. And the answer is Yes. It is safe to feed watermelon to your bearded dragon. But there is a condition that you must follow. You can only feed the watermelon to your bearded dragon occasionally as a treat. Then feeding watermelon simultaneously is not good for your bearded dragon. Then the watermelon contains a large amount of sugar in it. And the sugar in large amounts may harm your bearded dragon. So it would help if you fed the watermelon occasionally as a treat. The sugar in watermelon may cause tooth decay in your bearded dragon.

And then the tooth decay may spread all over the mouth of your bearded dragon. This may lead to mouth inflammation and pain in the mouth. Even excess feeding of watermelon can cause obesity and diarrhoea. Then it may also lead to metabolic bone disease. However due to the excess amount is phosphorus, the absorption of calcium is decreased. Also, the excess amount of water in watermelon may create an imbalance of hydration in your bearded dragon. So feeding watermelon occasionally is the better option.

Watermelon is good as well as bad for bearded dragons:-

Watermelon is good as well as bad for bearded dragons

Yes, watermelon is indeed good as well as bad for your bearded dragon. And as we have discussed it in the above paragraph. Watermelon comes with advantages as well as disadvantages for bearded dragons. It has various vitamins and minerals in it. Then it has vitamins C and Beta carotene. These are the healthy nutrients for your bearded dragons. Then the essential nutrients will help your bearded dragon to build up immunity, reproduction, and growth. So these are all the nutrients that will help your bearded dragon. But some nutrients are harmful to your bearded dragon if given in more quantity. One of them is potassium.

Watermelon has more amount is potassium in it. The potassium present in watermelon increases the blood pressure of bearded dragons. So you must avoid feeding watermelon frequently. Then another nutrient is magnesium. Magnesium in watermelon aids the metabolism and prevents inflammation in bearded dragons. But keep in mind, do not feed watermelon frequently to your Beardie. So it would help if you fed watermelon occasionally as a treat to your bearded dragon. And these are the advantages and disadvantages of feeding watermelon to your bearded dragon.

Is it safe to feed watermelon to a baby bearded dragon?

Is it safe to feed watermelon to a baby bearded dragon?

The answer is the same as we have seen in the above paragraphs. You can feed watermelon to your baby bearded dragon but occasionally as a treat. Do not feed watermelon frequently to your baby bearded dragon. The baby bearded dragon is in its growing phase, but still, you have to take care of it. As they are in the growing phase, they require more nutrients for their growth. But still, feed the watermelon occasionally as a treat to your baby bearded dragon.

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There is a way in which you can feed watermelon to your baby bearded dragon. You can feed them the watermelon as a salad topping. And do not feed the watermelon as a main food. So keep this in mind while feeding watermelon to your baby bearded dragon. Baby bearded dragons are in the growing phase. Then they need more calcium and nutrition. So feeding them a few pieces of watermelon as toppings and occasionally is safe. But you must concern your veteran before feeding watermelon to your baby bearded dragon. That’s it.

Are watermelon seeds edible for bearded dragons?

Are watermelon seeds edible for bearded dragons?

Now we will also talk about the watermelon seeds inside the watermelon. While feeding watermelon, the seeds also may go inside the body of your bearded dragon. So let us see whether my bearded dragon can eat watermelon seeds or not. Then the answer is no. Bearded dragons cannot eat the seeds of watermelon. Now we will see the reason behind it. Feeding the watermelon seeds to your bearded dragon can cause stomach issues. Then it can also cause choking in your bearded dragon’s stomach.

So it would help if you took precautions while feeding watermelon to your bearded dragon. For that, you have to remove every seed from the watermelon before feeding them. In the market, you will see both seed and seedless melons. When you get a seedless watermelon, double-check the seeds. The white, as well as black seeds, are not good for your bearded dragon. So you have to remove both white as well as black seeds from watermelon before you feed them to your bearded dragon. And this is how watermelon seeds are not good for your bearded dragon. That’s it.

Is it safe to feed watermelon rind to bearded dragons?

Is it safe to feed watermelon rind to bearded dragons?

The watermelon rind is the remaining white and green part of the watermelon. The watermelon rind is very hard and stores a lot of water in it. Now the question is, is it safe to feed watermelon rind to a bearded dragon? Then the answer is a big no. The watermelon rind acts the same as the seeds of the watermelon. As we know the rind of the watermelon is very hard, so it may get difficult to chew. This may create difficulty in chewing the rind of watermelon for your bearded dragon.

So try to directly avoid feeding the rind of watermelon to your bearded dragon. And when it is hard to chew, it is also hard to swallow. Even if you cut it into small pieces, it may get very hard to swallow. The bearded dragon may directly swallow the piece instead of chewing it. And then it may cause stomach issues or problems for your Beardie. The digestive issue it may cause is gastrointestinal tract issues. Then it may get stuck into the gastrointestinal tract of your bearded dragon. So avoid feeding watermelon rind to your bearded dragon. That’s it.

Can I feed watermelon leaves to my bearded dragon?

Can I feed watermelon leaves to my bearded dragon

There is no more research on the leaves of watermelons. No one knows whether feeding watermelon leaves can cause harm or is good for bearded dragons. So instead of doing that, you must skip feeding watermelon leaves to your bearded dragon. And instead of watermelon leaves, there are very good other options for leaves. We will see the leaves that are a good alternative to watermelon leaves. The mustard green leaves are good for them. Then the collard greens are also good for your bearded dragon. And then the turnip leaves, parsley, beet leaves, kale, broccoli, chow, watercress, savoury, Swiss chard, alfalfa hay, bok choy, clover, cilantro, red and green cabbage, dandelion leaves, kohlrabi, green beans, bell pepper, and escarole.

So these are the best alternatives for watermelon leaves for your bearded dragon. So avoid the watermelon leaves and feed these leaves to a bearded dragon. And these leaves are so safe for your bearded dragon. Keep in mind that leafy greens are good for the bearded dragons, and dark green leaves are good for serving your bearded dragons. Then it would help if you did not feed more levels of fiber-containing leaves that are low in nutrition and vitamins. Then also you can try feeding red, orange, and yellow vegetables to your bearded dragon. So this is what you have to feed instead of watermelon leaves to your bearded dragon. That’s it.

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When can I feed watermelon to my bearded dragon?

When can I feed watermelon to my bearded dragon?

Feeding watermelon frequently can cause harm to your bearded dragon. So you have to feed watermelon occasionally as a treat to your bearded dragon. So try to keep watermelon minimal. Could you not give it as a main food? And try to feed it as a topping. The amount should be very small, like toppings on salad. The reason is due to the less amount of good nutrients present in watermelon. Now we will see how often we should feed watermelon to bearded dragons.

  • Firstly, check his monthly consumption of fruits, that is, other fruits. And according to that, you can feed them the watermelon.
  • Next, try to feed it as a treat and toppings. Then the quantity should not exceed 5 pieces. Then try to give watermelon once or twice a month to your Beardie.
  • Next, you have to check the quantity of intake of low-nutrient fruit consumption in a month. And then only decide the quantity and frequency of watermelon feeding to your bearded dragon.
  • Then the fruit consumption must be upto 5% of the whole diet of your Beardie. And more than that is not good for your Beardie.
  • And if your Beardie has a good appetite, you can feed him a piece of watermelon to lose the appetite.
  • But keep in mind that trying it frequently can make Beardie only have watermelon instead of other food.
  • So these are the ways using which you can feed watermelon to your beardies.

Ways to feed watermelon to bearded dragons:-

  • You can serve or feed watermelon to your Beardie in various ways. We all are aware of the side effects of watermelon. But still, there are different ways to serve watermelon to your bearded dragon.
  • The first way is serving watermelon as topping for the salad. Less is more; always keep in mind.
  • Then make sure that your watermelon is good and organic. So try to purchase only organic watermelon for your Beardie.
  • Organic watermelon contains no pesticides or herbicides while growing them.
  • After purchasing the organic watermelon, you have to wash them thoroughly.
  • So before feeding the watermelon to your bearded dragon, wash it or rinse it. Though it is covered still need to know it.
  • Then the outer part can cause bacteria to the inside part of the watermelon. So washing watermelon and then your hands is a must.
  • The next way is to cut the tiny pieces of watermelon and then only feed your bearded dragon. And then only add it to the salad toppings.
  • Then serve only the linked fleshy part of the watermelon to your bearded dragon. The fleshy link part is soft and easy for your bearded dragon.
  • And this is how you can feed watermelon to your bearded dragon. That’s it.

Fruits that are safe for bearded dragons:-

Fruits that are safe for bearded dragons

Other than watermelon, there are various fruits that are safe for your Beardie. Now we are going to see those fruits that are good alternatives and safe for bearded dragons. Some fruits contain fewer nutrients and more sugars. So these sugar-containing fruits are harmful to your Beardie. Then there are some fruits that veterans suggest are good for your bearded dragons;

  • Fruits like raspberries, strawberries, apricots, dates, and figs are the healthier fruits for your bearded dragon.
  • Then the fruits that are only for salad toppings are mango, cantaloupe, fig, Apple, and papaya.
  • So these are the fruits that contain more amount of nutrients and less amount of sugar in it.
  • And that is why they are safe for your bearded dragon. That’s it.
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Fruits that I should avoid serving bearded dragon:-

Now there are even some fruits that are not good for your bearded dragon. So at this point, we will see some fruits that are not safe for your bearded dragon. Below is the list of fruits that should never be given to your bearded dragons;

  • Fruits like oranges and lemons are not good for your bearded dragon.
  • Then fruits like tomatoes and grapes are also not safe for your Beardie. So directly avoid feeding it to your bearded dragon.
  • Next is lime, pineapple, and tangerine fruit you should not give to your bearded dragon.
  • The reason is due to the acidic nature of these fruits. And the acidic nature can disrupt digestion.
  • And if you feed these fruits to your bearded dragon, then it may cause problems like runny stools.
  • So do not feed these fruits to your beard by mistake. Not even occasionally do you have to feed these fruits. So directly avoid feeding them to your bearded dragon. That’s it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Can I Feed Watermelon to My Bearded Dragon?

Ans: Yes, you can feed watermelon to your bearded dragon. But you have to feed watermelon occasionally as a treat only. Do not feed it frequently. And try to feed it as a topping to the salad. And that’s it, not much more than that.

Are Watermelon Seeds Good for Bearded Dragons?

Ans: The answer is no. Never feed the watermelon seeds to your bearded dragon. The seeds are very tough to digest and may chok in the food pipe. So avoid the watermelon seeds. Before feeding the watermelon, you have to remove the white as well as black seeds from the watermelon. And then only you can feed watermelon to your bearded dragon.

Are Watermelon Rinds Good for Beardies?

Ans: The watermelon rinds affect the same as watermelon seeds. So avoid the watermelon rinds also. And try not to feed these to your bearded dragon. The watermelon rind is very hard, so difficult to chew. And bearded dragons can swallow it as it is without chewing. When this happens, that may create digestive issues. So totally avoid feeding watermelon rinds to your bearded dragon.

Is It Safe to Feed Watermelon to a Baby Bearded Dragon?

Ans: It is safe to feed watermelon to your baby bearded dragon. But choose to feed watermelon scarcely because the bearded baby dragon needs nutrition for their growth and development. That is why you can give watermelon to your baby bearded dragons. But not more than a piece. So you can feed watermelon to your baby bearded dragon for his growth.

Is It Safe to Feed Watermelon Juice to My Bearded Dragon?

Ans: The answer is a big no. When you make the juice of watermelon, it loses all its nutrients. And nutrient-less food is not at all good for your bearded dragon. Then try to avoid feeding the watermelon juice to your bearded dragon.

Is Watermelon a Good Alternative to Other Fruits?

Ans: Watermelon cannot be an alternative to other fruits. Even instead of watermelon, you can give different fruits to your bearded dragon. The other fruits like raspberries, strawberries, apricots, etc. So these are good alternatives for watermelon.

Which Seeds in Watermelon Are Harmful to a Bearded Dragon?

Ans: Watermelon contains seed and seedless watermelon. We have to select the seedless watermelon. But I side that there are white seeds. These white seeds are also not good for your bearded dragon. Then we conclude that both the black and white seeds are not good for your bearded dragon.

Which Are the Unsafe Fruits That I Cannot Feed the Bearded Dragon?

Ans: Yes, there are some unsafe fruits that you must not feed your bearded dragon. Fruits, like oranges, lemons, limes, tomatoes, grapes, etc., are not good for your bearded dragon. Due to the acidic nature of these fruits, they can disturb the balance of your beardy’s digestive system. So avoid feeding these fruits to your bearded dragon.

So this is the way you can feed watermelon to your bearded dragon and this is the answer of yout question can bearded dragons eat watermelon

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