Michael Sins – Pet Lada – Deep Information of Dogs & Cats https://petlada.com Wed, 29 Nov 2023 08:14:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.1 https://petlada.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/cropped-pet-lada-1-32x32.png Michael Sins – Pet Lada – Deep Information of Dogs & Cats https://petlada.com 32 32 Jumping Spiders: Are They Friendly or Do They Bites? https://petlada.com/jumping-spiders/ https://petlada.com/jumping-spiders/#respond Sat, 18 Nov 2023 08:45:09 +0000 https://petlada.com/?p=1071 Are jumping spiders friendly? Here is the Answer to that question: Yes, jumping spiders are friendly. These spiders sure are attractive to most of us who are spider fans. They are as curious as still wild and act on instinct alone. But they can’t know about being friendly and what that means to humans. Jumping spiders are really shy creatures who prefer to avoid direct contact with humans and are not aggressive towards human beings.

So, the article given below explains briefly whether jumping spiders are friendly or not:

Are jumping spiders friendly? Why do they get so much Love?

Jumping spiders are super cute for the majority of spiders fans like us. Shifting their heads to see just at you makes them even unavoidable to look. This little shy creature (jumping spiders) is not aggressive towards human beings, and as soon as they perceive that you are not going to hurt them or kill them, they will open up towards you.

This jumping spider gives them more of a friendly appearance than most other spider species. That is one of the reasons people like to keep these spiders as pets. Just like other spiders, jumping spiders have no concept of relationships nor the capacity of the brain to process emotions as well as feel pain in the way that human beings do. Technically speaking, they are not friendly or unfriendly. If they think that they are being injured or threatened, then they bite or get defensive in action.

Do jumping spiders get stressed?

Jumping spiders get stressed, such as all living beings. They also feel stress in certain types of conditions. However, their stress is not as effective or pronounced as other animal species. Following are the environmental changes with which these spiders can cope:

Jumping spiders may come across stressful conditions such as extreme temperature, predators, external harmful environment as well as food scarcity, etc. This is in the wild state.

They may experience stressful conditions from inadequate conditions, improper handling, lack of social interaction, etc. This occurs in captivity.

Keep in mind that Jumping spiders may exhibit certain behaviours when they are stressed, such as

  • Inappropriate climbing of jumping spiders,
  • Flicking hair of jumping spiders,
  • Remaining still of jumping spiders,
  • Hiding of jumping spiders behind any object,
  • Abnormally high activity or pacing of jumping spiders, etc.

These above behaviours are generally short-lived, and these jumping spiders will return to their normal behaviour when the surrounding becomes favourable for their lives. Just provide your jumping spider with a favourable habitat and environment similar to the natural environment to minimize stressful conditions.

Is their bite harmful?

When jumping spiders bite, their venom is considered mild harm, which is not dangerous and rarely causes any serious damage. In most cases, they will only bite if they feel any dangerous or threatened condition. But remember that jumping spiders are more likely to run away than attack. Jumping spiders’ bites are not very dangerous and will only result in minor skin irritation or itching. Some people may be more sensitive to jumping spider’s bite. In rare conditions, a person may experience a slightly stronger reaction to a spider’s bite. Seek medical attention immediately if you experience any unusual symptoms after being bitten, like difficulty breathing or swelling of the bitten area.

Are jumping spiders friendly to other spiders?

Their behaviour towards other spiders can vary depending upon the condition, while they are friendly towards human beings. Some jumping spider species have been observed preying on other spiders, which are larger and longer than themselves. But this nature is not universal for all jumping spiders. The reason for this behaviour is competition for resources. If food is scanty, jumping spiders may be more likely to prey on other species to ensure survival. If the condition is favourable and food is abundant, they may be more likely to share their resources with other spiders.

Are jumping spiders friendly to pets?

Jumping spiders are really shy creatures and prefer to avoid direct contact with humans as they are not aggressive towards human beings, and as soon as they perceive that you are not going to harm them or kill them, they will open up to you. This jumping spider gives them more of a friendly appearance than most other spider species. That is one of the reasons people like to keep these spiders as pets.

If you have a larger pet than a jumping spider, such as a dot or a cat, they are not only curious about your jumping spider but also unlikely to see it as prey. Keep in mind it’s important to supervise any interactions between your pet as well as your jumping spider to insecure them as well as to ensure their safety.

How to keep your jumping spider Happy and Friendly?

We aren’t sure if your jumping spider stays happy and friendly, but here we discuss the basics of caring for these remarkable spiders as well as share some tips on how to keep them happy and friendly:

Choosing the Right Home:

The first thing is to ensure your jumping spider is properly cared for to provide a suitable or favourable environment or habitat.

Feeding Habits:

The next step is making sure that your jumping spider remains healthy by ensuring that it is properly fed.

How to safely handle your jumping spider?

There are some safe ways to handle your jumping spider safely; these are given below:

Use of glove:

Always wear a protective glove while handling your jumping spider.

Position your Body:

Position is also important, so positioning yourself correctly when working with your jumping spider.

Move Slowly:

Any sudden movements can harm your jumping spider, so always move slowly and gently while working with jumping spider.


Finally, we got that jumping spiders are friendly in behavior, well makes them pets because of their movements and curiosity. It is very important to research more about these jumping spiders before you get one of them, such as their habitat, diet, types of enclosures that are best, and also what types of lights to use. Even though they appear friendly, they will bite if they feel any dangerous or threatened condition in their surroundings, especially if you try to pick them up or touch them.

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16 Stunning Blue Spiders on The Planet With Images https://petlada.com/blue-spiders/ https://petlada.com/blue-spiders/#respond Tue, 14 Nov 2023 07:05:54 +0000 https://petlada.com/?p=1063 Are you aware of blue spiders and how to identify them? Here is the Solution to such a question: many species of spiders appear to have a bluish tint, with one having its unique shape, characteristics and pattern. These are the most good-looking and attractive creatures in the world. These are very rare to see, and the problem is identifying the different species of spiders.

So, in this article, which is given below, we will discuss and describe 16 species of blue spider and how to identify these species.

1. Brazilian Blue Spider:

Brazilian Blue Spider


  • Name: Brazilian blue tarantula spider,
  • Species: Pterinopelma Sazima (which is a species of tarantula)
  • Family: Theraphosidae
  • Native Place: an ecological island within the Chapada Diamantina National Park in Bahia, Brazil.

The growth and development of this spider is up to 15cm, prefers a warm climate with temperature around 20 degrees Celsius and spend their whole day hiding in burrows or under the rocks. Most of the parts of this spider look Blue. They also have a light grey prosoma and opisthosoma with darker grey chevrons. If you are looking for such type of spider, then you have found a Brazilian blue tarantula.


  • Light grey prosoma and opisthosoma,
  • Dark grey chevrons
  • Red hairs on their abdomen.


  • Hiding in a burrow or under rocks,
  • Native to tropical forests.

2. Peacock Blue Tarantula:

Peacock Blue Tarantula


  • Name: Peacock tarantula blue spider
  • Genus: Poecilotheria genus
  • Native Place: southern India around the forest of Andhra Pradesh.

Its legs and abdomen look like the feathers of a peacock; that’s why its name is called the Peacock Blue Tarantula. This peacock blue tarantula also has blue prosoma and opisthosoma with white patches in the centre. Males have browner prosoma, longer legs up to 20cm and are slenderer than females, while females are covered with blue hairs. Due to deforestation, the peacock blue spiders are considered an endangered species on the red list.


  • Resembles the feather of a peacock.
  • Blue prosoma & opisthosoma.
  • Yellow rings at the top of each knuckle.


  • Native to the forest of Andhra Pradesh.
  • Hiding in burrows or under rocks.

3. Cobalt Blue Tarantula:

Cobalt Blue Tarantula


  • Name: Cobalt blue tarantula spider,
  • Species: Cyriopagopus Lividus (which is a species of tarantula)
  • Family: Theraphosidae
  • Native Place: Rainforests of Southeast Asia (Myanmar and the border of Thailand).

It is a very aggressive and beautiful spider, an expert escape artist with a painful venomous bite. It looks dark brown or black at first, but in bright light, its cobalt blue coloured abdomen and legs become palpable. The female lives years longer, more significant, and nicer looking than the male cobalt blue spider. Both males, as well as females look similar to each other in colour until their moulting process. It will also bite in the self-defence process, but this occurs in very rare conditions. Most of the time, spiders hide in the burrows or under logs.


  • Light grey body with dark grey chevrons.
  • Vibrant blue legs present with grey hairs.


  • Tropical Rainforests,
  • Hiding in burrows or under Logs.

4. Singapore Blue Spider:

Singapore Blue Spider


  • Name: Singapore blue spider
  • Species: Omothymus Violaceopes
  • Native Place: Southmost Asia Singapore.

The growth and development of this spider is 23cm across, and it is a large arboreal species. The venom of this spider can cause muscle spasms and muscle aches, pain in the joints, headaches, nausea, and severe pain around the area where the venom was injected. This species of blue spider exhibits sexual dimorphism. The most described feature of this spider is its blue legs and brown and golden carapace. This spider spends most of its time in tall trees, and this is a nocturnal spider.


  • Blue legs and tiny white hairs.
  • Brown and golden carapace.
  • Females are more vibrant in colour.


  • Tropical forests of Asia Singapore.
  • They spend most of their time on tall trees.

5. Chrysilla Volupe:

Chrysilla Volupe


  • Name: Chrysilla Volupe,
  • Family: Salticidae
  • Native Place: Rainforests of Sri Lanka, Nepal, India, and Bhutan.

The whole body of Chrysilla velupe has rainbow-like luminous colours that appear different from different angles. Their legs are golden with purplish, and their carapace has a reddish-orange colour with blue stripes. Chrysilla velupe is one of the smallest blue spiders and a very colourful spider. These spiders are believed to be nocturnal hunters, and even a small web near the ground can catch their prey.


  • Golden legs with purple shades.
  • Reddish-orange carapace with blue stripes.


  • Rainforests of Sri Lanka, Nepal, India, and Bhutan.
  • Build their small webs which are close to the ground.

6. Metallic Blue Jumper:

Metallic Blue Jumper


  • Name: Metallic Blue Jumper Spider,
  • Species: Thiania bhamoensis,
  • Family: Salticidae
  • Native Place: in northern Burma (Bhamo city).

It is also popular as a fighting spider. Besides their fighting power, Males are more vibrant in colour, while females are more greenish. They make web funnels to live in and lay their eggs. If you want to look at these spiders, search these leaves because they are very small. That’s why they are very tricky to find the spiders. These spiders have unique features; They will mould and lay their eggs in a funnel, which is formed in between green leaves.


  • Females are more greenish,
  • Males have a more vibrant bluish colour.
  • Blue carapace with greenish markings on the abdomen.


  • Native to Bhamo city in northern Burma.
  • also found in the roadside, as well as gardens and hedges.

 7. Greenbottle Blue Tarantula:

Greenbottle Blue Tarantula


  • Name: Greenbottle Blue Tarantula spider,
  • Species: Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens,
  • Family: Theraphosidae,
  • Native Place: native to the Paraguana peninsula and also found in desert areas of northern Venezuela.

These spiders are identifiable by the metallic colour of their legs as well as a blue-green carapace; that’s why they are called greenbottle blue tarantula. They live within the bushes and tree roots and make their web funnels. They get nutrition by eating small crickets, worms, roaches or anything found in the desert.


  • The presence of metallic blue legs.
  • Blue-green carapace is also present.


  • Native to desert areas of northern Venezuela.
  • Also found within bushes as well as tree roots.

8. Antilles Pinktoe Blue Tarantula:

Antilles Pinktoe Blue Tarantula


  • Name: Antilles Pinktoe Blue Tarantula spider,
  • Species: caribena Versicolor,
  • Family: Theraphosidae,
  • Native Place: native to Martinique and Guadeloupe in the Caribbean Sea of South America.

The name of this spider is due to its pink toes. This blue spider’s size ranges from 4.5 to 6 inches. They usually hide in the burrows or within the leaves.


  • The presence of pinkish toe.
  • Blue carapace that turns greenish with their age.


  • Native to dessert Martinique and Guadeloupe in the Caribbean Sea of South America.
  • It is also found in burrows as well as within the leaves.

9. Sea-Green Northern Spider:

Sea-Green Northern Spider


  • Name: Sea-Green Northern Spider,
  • Species: Cosmo phasis Thalassina,
  • Family: Salticidae,
  • Native Place: Found in Malaysia to Australia.

This species is the same as that of a metallic blue jumper spider, and the appearance and size of the spider are also similar, ranging from 1.2 to 1.8cm in length. The sea green northern spider has various ranges of colours, which helps it stand out from other species of spiders. It has greenish patches and black legs with bluish-green and bronze colour of the carapace.


  • Presence of green patches and black legs.
  • The colour of the carapace is Blue-green and bronze.


  • Native to Tropical-Sub tropical climates.
  • Also found in nests in gardens and parks of Queensland.

10. Golden Blue-Legged Baboon Spider:

Golden Blue-Legged Baboon Spider


  • Name: Golden Blue-Legged Baboon spider,
  • Species: Harpactira Pulchripes,
  • Family: Theraphosidae,
  • Native Place: native to South Africa in Grahamstown.

The name “Golden Blue-Legged Baboon Spider” is due to the golden colour of the body and the bluish colour of the legs. In this species, the females are usually larger than the males 14cm in length.


  • Presence of a Golden body with blue legs.
  • the colour of the body is vivid orange or yellow with age.


  • Native to South Africa in Grahamstown.
  • They are also found close to the ground in the burrows.

11. Red-Headed Mouse Spider:

Red-Headed Mouse Spider


  • Name: Red-Headed Mouse spider,
  • Species: Missulena Occatoria,
  • Family: Actinopodidae,
  • Native Place: Found in southern Australia.

These spiders are widely known for Ballooning so that they can travel long distances. The name is due to bright red head and jaws and bluish-black abdomen.


  • Presence of bright red heads and jaws.
  • the colour of the Blue-black abdomen.


  • Native to Open forests as well as desert shrublands.
  • They are also found on the ground in small burrows.

12. Blue-Foot Baboon:

Blue-Foot Baboon


  • Name: Blue-Foot Baboon spider,
  • Species: Harpactira Pulchripes,
  • Family: Theraphosidae,
  • Native Place: native to South Africa.

This tarantula is one of the smallest tarantulas, the same as that of the Golden Blue-Legged Baboon spider. Females (4.5 inches) are larger than males (3.5 inches).


  • presence of Vibrant blue feet, toes,
  • the carapace is golden-black, and the legs are grey.


  • Native to wooded areas of South Africa.
  • It is also found in densely silk-lined funnels under the logs.

13. Bold Jumping Spider:


  • Name: Bold Jumping spider,
  • Species: Phidippus Audax,
  • Family: Salticidae,
  • Native Place: these spiders are found in North America.

This species is added to this list because it has a blue mouth opening. It is also known for eight large eyes, which are arranged in two rows of four, giving a wide field of vision and helping to identify the prey and predators.


  • presence of eight eyes with blue mouths.
  • the colour of the body and legs is black with white hairs.
  • juveniles have orange stripes that turn white when they moult.


  • they can be found in the whole of North America.
  • also found in Fields as well as Grasslands.

14. Madagascar Hermit Spider:

Madagascar Hermit Spider


  • Name: Madagascar Hermit spider,
  • Species: Nephilingis Livida,
  • Native Place: Found on the island of Madagascar.

It has a unique feature of lacking venom, and due to the colour of the abdomen being creamy brown to purplish and blue, this species lies in this list.


  • presence of black-coloured legs and body that are covered with small spines.
  • the colour of the abdomen ranges from brown to purple and blue.


  • Native to Madagascar Islands.
  • It is also found in burrows on the ground and in trees.

15. Polychromatic Earth Tiger:

Polychromatic Earth Tiger


  • Name: Polychromatic Earth-Tiger spider,
  • Species: Haploclastus Devamatha,
  • Native Place: native to the Western Ghats of India.

This spider is one of the most beautiful and interesting spiders on the planet. Their size ranges from 3.94 to 5.91 Inches, and they make small burrows in mud banks or at the base of trees or shrubs.


  • presence of a carapace with a deep purple colour.
  • the colour of the body and legs is dark blue with tiny purple hairs.


  • Native to the Western ghats of India.
  • also found in mud banks and trees.

16. Lace-Weaver Spider:

Lace-Weaver Spider


  • Name: Lace-Weaver spider,
  • Species: Amaurobius Ferox,
  • Native Place: Found in Europe and North America.

Due to its blue shade on its abdomen, this is present in this list. They are throughout Europe and North America and prefer dark, sheltered areas such as underneath logs or inside cellars.


  • the body is Black with shades of red, blue and brown.
  • Pale skull pattern on their abdomens.


  • Found in Europe and North America.
  • Present in dark, sheltered areas underneath logs or inside cellars.
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Do Spiders Feel Pain? – Scientific Explaination https://petlada.com/do-spiders-feel-pain/ https://petlada.com/do-spiders-feel-pain/#respond Mon, 06 Nov 2023 06:19:46 +0000 https://petlada.com/?p=1058 Do spiders feel pain? Here is the Answer: there is a lot of scientific debate and research about spiders and whether they think or do not feel pain. Due to a lack of pain receptors, spiders don’t feel pain.

It is not very clear if they experience pain in the same way that humans or mammals can do. But this does not mean spiders don’t know something wrong when hurt or injured.So, the article given below is to explain briefly about spiders’ nervous system as well as their pain perception.

The pain perception of the spiders:

The pain perception of the spiders:

Spiders have a nervous system that is different from that of vertebrates (Humans). This nervous system comprises neuron (Ganglia), which is connected by a network of nerves that allows spiders to control various functions, including movement, responding to external stimuli, and sensing their surroundings. With the help of the nervous system, they can detect vibrations, chemical cues, and changes in light in their environment, which is necessary for living life.

Spiders also have nociceptors, which can trigger a wide range of physiological and behavioural responses in spiders, like defensive behaviours or pain avoidance. At the time of activation of nociceptors, stimuli send signals to the spider’s nervous system. From this, the nervous system triggers various reflexive responses like moving away from the harmful situation or withdrawing a leg from a harmful situation.

Do spiders feel pain when Squished?

Do spiders feel pain when Squished?

Due to a lack of pain receptors, spiders don’t feel pain. They don’t have the same nervous system as mammals do. That’s why they don’t feel pain like mammals (humans) do due to the more complex nervous system of mammals. So, during squashing, there’s no period for any neurological response because this would happen so quickly. In other words, spiders don’t feel pain during squashing.

Do spiders feel pain when sprayed?

Do spiders feel pain when sprayed?

Spiders don’t feel pain like mammals (humans) do due to the more complex nervous system of mammals. They don’t have the same nervous system and pain receptors as mammals. So, when spiders are sprayed with any chemical pesticides or insecticides, they may exhibit distress or discomfort-like responses such as exhibiting convulsive movements or hiding or trying to escape from this area.

Do spiders feel pain when they fall?

Do spiders feel pain when they fall?

When spiders are struggling to climb up a wall or on the table and suddenly fall onto the ground from the wall or table, then they do not feel pain because, as said above, Spiders don’t have the same nervous system and pain receptors as mammals do. They don’t feel pain like mammals (humans) do due to the more complex nervous system of mammals. Generally, these responses are driven by instinct and need to ensure survival.

How do spiders sense an injury?

How do spiders sense an injury?

Spiders do not feel pain because, as said earlier, Spiders don’t have the same nervous system as well as pain receptors as mammals do. They don’t feel pain like mammals (humans) do due to the more complex nervous system of mammals. But they can detect any damage or injury to their body through sensory receptors. When the spider is damaged or injured, the sensory receptor signals to the rest of the spider’s body, giving a red alert in the external environment. This helps the spider to protect itself from any damage or injury.

When such situations sense something is wrong, they will take steps to try and remedy the situation, such as any damage or injury to the spiders. They may exhibit distress or discomfort-like responses, such as exhibiting convulsive movements or hiding or trying to escape from this area. For example, if the spider loses one leg, it will again grow the lost leg because of its molting cycle. However, this process is not typically perfect, and the new leg may be shorter or have a different shape than the original.

What should you do if you see an injured spider?

If you see a damaged or injured spider, the best thing to do is to ignore it and leave it alone. In most cases, the spider wants to be left alone and simply ignores it to recover it from its damaged part or injury. If you want to help the spider, you can consider the following steps to remedy the situation:

  • Softly and carefully approach the spider cautiously to inhibit further harm, stress, or discomfort to the spider.
  • You can carefully use the plastic or glass container to scoop up the damaged or injured spider. Remember that during scooping up the damaged or injured spider, do not crush that injured or damaged spider. 
  • Please take out the injured spider from that potential threat area and release it from that place to a safe area away from potential threats, like harmful or bad weather conditions or predators. Once the spider is in a safe environmental condition, it should be able to heal the body and resume its normal life.
  • Offer some kind of food, such as small insects or some drops of honey water, which is helpful for the spider to regain its strength and also provide water to prevent it from dehydration.
  • Try to minimize handling the spider, which reduces the chances of stress on the injured condition.
  • Try to observe the injured spider for any signs of infection or disease. If you see any swelling or redness on their body or no locomotory movements, you should contact your veterinarian because spiders could have more severe injuries.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Do spiders feel pain when they lose a leg?

If the spider loses one or more than one leg, it will again grow the lost legs because of its molting cycle. This process is not typically perfect, and the new leg may be shorter or have a different shape than the original. This regained leg will still be good enough to work as a replacement. But during this condition, spiders do not feel pain because, as earlier said, Spiders don’t have the same nervous system as well as pain receptors as mammals do. They don’t feel pain like mammals (humans) do due to the more complex nervous system of mammals.

Why do a spider’s legs curl up when it dies?

Spiders’ legs are operated using hydraulic fluids balanced by springs, and when they die, the pumping organ supplying pressure to the legs stops working, and that’s why they fold up from their original position.

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How to Check Whether Your Hamster is Hibernating and Not Dead? https://petlada.com/hamster-is-hibernating-or-dead/ https://petlada.com/hamster-is-hibernating-or-dead/#respond Sat, 07 Oct 2023 07:03:43 +0000 https://petlada.com/?p=1049 We must be aware of every activity of our pet animals. Every pet owner must be aware of his/her pet’s physical, emotional, and mental conditions. The same is true with the Hamster owners. They must know when is the hibernation period of the hamster and when he is dead. The hamsters hibernate when there is less stock of food. The second reason is when it is cold outside. The temperature and the food factor are the reasons for the hibernation of hamsters. Whether a hamster is a pet or leaves in the wild areas, they hibernate. To check whether your hamster is hibernating and not dead, go through the information below;

Hibernating Phase of Hamster:-

Hibernating Phase of Hamster

Some of you might not know if hamsters hibernate or not. Actually, the hamsters living in cold temperatures and less food hibernate. And we know these are the two reasons why hamsters hibernate. There are two types of hibernation in hamsters. The first stage is obligate hibernators. In these hibernators, they hibernate for a year, that is, annually. The hamsters hibernate annually according to the temperature and food. Next are the permissive hibernators. These permissive hibernators are also known as facultative hibernators. This type of hibernation is done by hamsters when they are stressed. The stress is due to cold temperatures and low availability of food. The obligate hibernators are black bears, ground squirrels, and European hedgehogs. And the permissive hibernators are Syrian hamsters.

When Is the Hibernation Period of Hamsters?

That is a specific period when hamsters hibernate. And that specific period is when there is no food supply and cold temperatures. It is observed that hamsters hibernate when the temperature decreases to 15° c. The temperature below 15° c can make hibernation faster and cause hypothermia in Hamsters. So you might feel that they are dead. Before concluding that they are dead, check their activities. This is what the hibernation period of hamsters is.

How to Check Whether the Hamster Is Hibernating and Not Dead?

There are four signs using which you can check whether the hamster is in hibernation and not dead. So below are the four signs that will help you to predict that the hamsters are hibernating and not dead;

Breathing of Hamster While Hibernation:-

There are some breathing signs while the hamster is hibernating. As the hamster goes into hibernation, its breathing also decreases. So you may not feel their breathing during hibernation. You can look towards their chest and predict whether they are breathing. In hibernation, their chest rises while breathing.

Movements of Hamster While Hibernation:-

While hibernation hamsters twitch, they are paws. You have to observe very closely because they make occasional twitching and jerking moments. You can gently touch their paws to check whether they twitch. This is how you can get the movements of hamsters during hibernation.

Limp Body of Hamster While Hibernating:-

When hamsters hibernate, we feel that they are dead. And when we pick them up, you will feel their body limp. If the hamster dies, you will feel the body hard and stiff. But if the hamster is hibernating, you will feel his body like a limp. And when a hamster dies, rigor mortis occurs on their body. When you don’t find rigor mortis on their body, they are in hibernating phase. This is how you can check whether the hamster is in hibernation and not dead.

Body Temperature of Hamster While Hibernation:-

Another sign is the body temperature of a hamster who is on hibernation. As we know, after death, the body becomes cold. And when a hamster is on hibernation, their body is warm. You can touch your hamster and feel your body warm. Which means that your hamster is in the hibernation period. In this way, you can check whether the hamster is in hibernation and not dead.

Hibernation Time of Hamsters:-

Hibernation Time of Hamsters

The question might come to your mind: how long do they hibernate?

According to the temperature and availability of food, the hamsters hibernate. Usually, when they are out, they hibernate for 3 days. And if the temperature of their surrounding continuously decreases, they hibernate for at least a week or more. If you are the hamster’s owner, you must wake him up from the herbination period before 24 hours. You can use a torpor for your hamster’s hibernation period. Awake your hamster before 24 hours and feed them. Torpor can make hamsters warm in the hibernation period. This will keep the hamster warm.

Caretaking of Hamsters While They Hibernate:-

When your hamster is hibernating, you can take care of them. We will tell you how to take care of hamsters when they are hibernating. You have to wake up the hamster from hibernating. And for that, you can grab him towards your body. And your body will give him warmth, which will help him to wake up early. Grab him against your body for 20 to 30 minutes. You can also use a heating device or water bottle. For that, take some hot water in a bottle and cover it with a towel. Then, keep the hamster on the towel. This will make him feel warmer. Make sure you don’t use boiling water and avoid direct contact with the more heat.

We know that heating devices are very dangerous. But you can use a cloth to cover it and then place the hamster on it. Using a heating device at 30° c will be fine.

What Is Hypothermia and Hibernating?

There is a difference between hypothermia and hibernation. We will see the difference between hibernation and hypothermia. Hibernation is when the hamster sleeps when there is a fall in temperature and a low food supply. Hypothermia is the condition when the temperature falls tremendously. When the body temperature of the hamster decreases, the hypothermia condition occurs. This is a dangerous condition for your hamster. Hypothermia occurs when your hamster stays in a cold area for more than 24 hours. And this condition can be dangerous for your hamster. So, this is what hypothermia in hamsters means.

How to Prevent Hypothermia in Hamsters While Hibernating?

 Hypothermia in Hamsters

There is a way by which you can prevent hypothermia in your hamsters during their hibernation. Hypothermia is a dangerous condition for your hamster. Then you know that your hamster is in the hibernating phase, so you can prepare his room warmer. Also, you can prepare his sleeping area to be warm. You can also use a heater or heating device where your hamster lives.

Make sure that you keep the heaters away from the cage of your hamsters. Overheating of hamsters can be dangerous. You can use a type of bedding for your hamster when it gets colder. Another reason for hibernating is food and water. Lack of water and food in hamsters can cause them to hibernate. So make sure you feed them properly. In the colder days, you can feed them sunflower seeds or peanuts. In their diet, you can include healthy fats and some treats.

This is how you can prevent hypothermia in hamsters during the hibernating period.

Which Are the Heating Devices for Hamsters in the Hibernating Phase?

There are various heating devices that are helpful for hamsters in the hibernating phase. Some of those devices are heating pads, heating mats, etc. Heating pads and heating mats are available in online stores and nearby pet stores. These heating pads and mats are specially designed for the cages of reptiles. So you can purchase them for your hamsters.

Before inserting the heating device near the cage of your hamster, keep in mind that the heating device must not be in direct contact with your hamster. It should be away from the direct contact of your hamster. Always keep a towel on the heating devices. The heating devices are user-friendly. But while operating the heating devices, maintain the temperature of the devices.

Do not increase the temperature of your device. Keep it low according to the atmosphere. This is how you can maintain the temperature of your hamster in hibernating phase.

What Is Hamster Body Temperature Monitoring?

This is the monitoring technique of the body temperature of the hamster. This technique is used when the hamster goes into hibernating phase. You can monitor the temperature of the room where the hamster stays. The technique will make you aware of the temperature where Hamster lives. Due to that, you will be able to predict whether the hamster is going into the Hibernating phase and hypothermia situation. So, using the monitoring technique, you can save your hamster. The temperature of the room must be controlled and normal for the Hamster. The tool to monitor temperature is a thermometer. You can use it to monitor the temperature of the room where the hamster lives. Monitoring of temperature can save hamsters from hypothermia. And this is how the monitoring technique works.

Q. Do Hamster hibernate?

Ans. Yes, Hamsters hibernate.

Q. Why do Hamster hibernate?

Ans. As we have discussed above, they hibernate when the temperature decreases and when there is a lack of food supply. That is why hamsters hibernate.

Q. How can I predict that a hamster is hibernating and not dead?

Ans. There are signs to check whether hamsters are hibernating and not dead. Those signs are movements, breathing, limp body, etc. If you see these signs, then the hamster is hibernating.

Q. Which temperature can take a hamster into hibernation?

Ans. A temperature below 65 degrees Fahrenheit can make a hamster hibernate. And if the temperature decreases more, then they can cause hypothermia. For that, wake up your hamster by making it warm. Use your body or heating devices. But be cautious while using heating devices.

https://petlada.com/hamster-is-hibernating-or-dead/feed/ 0
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Oranges? https://petlada.com/can-bearded-dragons-eat-oranges/ Tue, 03 Oct 2023 07:13:48 +0000 https://petlada.com/?p=1012 The answer to the question Can Bearded Dragons Eat Oranges is NO.

It’s best to avoid giving your bearded dragon oranges. These fruits are too acidic and high in sugar for the well-being of your scaly friend.

Now, we will discuss whether the oranges are toxic or safe for bearded dragons. So, in this article, we will learn whether to feed oranges to bearded dragons or not. So to know more about it, stay with the information below:-

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Oranges

Can I Feed Oranges to My Bearded Dragons?

Many bearded dragon owners might have the question of whether to feed oranges to bearded dragons. So we will discuss whether to feed oranges to your bearded dragon. Oranges are good as well as toxic for bearded dragons.

Quick Facts:

  • Citrus fruits: High in acid.
  • Sugar content: This can lead to digestive issues.
  • Nutrition: Minimal nutritional benefit for bearded dragons.

Oranges can be good as well as bad for your bearded dragons. Oranges have many benefits for your bearded dragons. But there are also many side effects of oranges. Bearded dragons love to eat oranges.

Toxicity levels of different substances found in oranges and other fruits.

SubstanceToxicity Level for Bearded Dragons
Citric AcidHigh
Oxalic AcidHigh

But having them in more quantity can be toxic for them. We will see the reason behind not feeding oranges to the bearded dragon in the article below. So, to know the reason behind not feeding oranges to bearded dragons, continue reading below;

The Reason Behind Bearded Dragons Can’t Eat Oranges

There might be several reasons behind bearded dragons cannot eat oranges. We will be discussing why bearded dragons can’t eat oranges. One of the main reasons is the high sugar level in oranges.

The Risks:

  1. Digestive Issues: Acidic foods can disrupt the digestive system of bearded dragons.
  2. Nutritional Imbalance: High sugar content can mess with the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, essential for bone health.
  3. Toxicity: Citrus fruits can sometimes contain compounds that are toxic to reptiles.

As oranges contain high sugar, we cannot feed oranges to bearded dragons. This is because the bearded dragon’s sugar level may increase due to oranges. So this is the first main reason. Another main reason is the water content in the oranges.

As oranges contain a high water content, we cannot feed oranges to bearded dragons. Excess water content can be harmful to bearded dragons. Another reason is the acetic acid present in the oranges.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Oranges

Oranges contain acetic acid, which is harmful to bearded dragons. So we can’t feed oranges to our bearded dragons. And another reason is the fruit acids. We all know that oranges contain acids. And these acids may be harmful to the bearded dragons. That is why we can’t give oranges to bearded dragons. Following are some other side effects of oranges;

Oranges Contain a High Amount of Oxalic Acid

As we know, oranges contain a high amount of oxalic acid, which is harmful to the bearded dragons. If the oxalic acid is in less amount, then you can feed that fruit to your bearded dragon.

But more amount of oxalic acid can be toxic for your bearded dragon. The oxalic acid in oranges can form calcium oxalate with the calcium.

This will reduce the formation and absorption of calcium in the dragon’s body. So, reducing calcium absorption can be risky for your dragon. Due to oxalic acid formation and reaction, diseases like paralysis and deformities in skeletal may be caused. So avoid feeding oranges to your bearded dragon.

High Sugar Level and Citric Acid in Oranges

As we know, Orange is a Citrus fruit that contains citric acid. And the citric acid is harmful for bearded dragons. This citric acid can cause indigestion in bearded dragons. And due to this, the digestive system may get disturbed in the beardies. Citric acid in oranges can also cause irritation in the stomach of beardies. Next is the high sugar content in the oranges. The high sugar content can be toxic for beardies. So, oranges are not good for bearded dragons. So, these are the reasons why bearded dragons cannot eat oranges.

Real-Life Scenario: The Orange Experiment

I once knew a bearded dragon owner who thought that the vibrant colour of oranges could be an attractive addition to their pet’s diet. After feeding a small piece, the bearded dragon became lethargic and showed signs of discomfort. A quick trip to the vet confirmed that the orange was the culprit, and it was advised to stick to a diet more naturally aligned with what a bearded dragon would consume in the wild.

Comparing the nutritional content of oranges with other fruits that are safe for bearded dragons.

Sugar (g per 100g)
Water Content (%)878691
Citric Acid (mg per 100g)49.40.159
Oxalic Acid (mg per 100g)28714

Oranges for Beardies Are Good or Bad?

Oranges for Beardies Are Good or Bad?

As we have discussed before, the oranges are not really good for bearded dragons. We have also seen the reason behind oranges are not good for beardies. If you feed oranges to your beardies, their digestive system may get disturbed. and due to this, they get diarrhoea. And due to diarrhoea, the pinworms May develop. These pinworms are very harmful to your beardies. So, oranges May develop pinworms in bearded dragons’ stomachs. So, the oranges are not good for bearded dragons. Indigestion in one beer dragon can create indigestion other words, dragons, too. So, we suggest that oranges are not good for bearded dragons.

Other fruits that are safe for bearded dragons along with their benefits.

FruitBenefits for Bearded Dragons
ApricotsLow in sugar, High in Vitamin A
StrawberriesLow in sugar, High in Vitamin C
FigsHigh in Calcium, Low in Oxalic Acid

Are Mandarin Oranges Good for Bearded Dragons?

Mandarin Oranges are fewer acids and have calcium and phosphorus. They are different from the regular oranges. But still, they have a lower quantity of fruit acids in them. And the lower quantity of fruit acids can also be toxic for your bearded dragon. That is why we suggest you not to feed Mandarin oranges to your beardies. Some of the articles say that Mandarin oranges are good for bearded dragons. This is because of its calcium and phosphorus content.

But it’s fruit acid level can create digestive issues in bearded dragons. The Mandarin oranges contained less amount of fruit acid than the normal oranges. So, other research tells us that Mandarin oranges are good for bearded dragons. If you still want to feed Mandarin origins, you can feed them at your own risk. But still, we suggest not to feed Mandarin oranges to beardies.

Can I Feed Orange Peels to My Bearded Dragon?

orange peels

Another question might be, can I feed orange peels to my beardie? As we know, bearded dragons don’t eat hard, chewy foods. So, the orange peels can be hard for the bearded dragons to digest. So it is absolutely no for the orange peels. You cannot feed orange peels to your bearded dragon.

The hard texture of orange peel can be hard to digest for your beardie. So, we do not suggest you feed orange peels to your bearded dragon.

The orange peel also contains hai levels of acid. And we have seen that acid in food is not good for beardies. The orange peels contain fruit acid and oxalic acids. The orange peels also contain orange oils, which is not good for bearded dragons.

Even the pesticides on the orange peels are not good for the health of your beardies. Orange peels also contain calcium in greater amounts, but they are still not good for bearded dragons.

There are some other calcium supplements for bearded dragons. So, instead of feeding orange peels or oranges, you can go for the other calcium supplement options. This is how Orange peel is not good for your bearded dragon. So please do not feed them the orange peels.

FruitRecommended Feeding Frequency
ApricotsOnce a week
StrawberriesTwice a week

What Should Bearded Dragons Eat Instead?

It’s crucial to provide a balanced diet that mimics what bearded dragons would naturally consume. A balanced diet includes a mix of insects, greens, and non-citrus fruits.

Food TypeExamples
InsectsCrickets, mealworms, waxworms
GreensCollard greens, dandelion greens, parsley
FruitsApples, blueberries, and strawberries

Insects That Eat Oranges Are Good for Bearded Dragons or Not?

As we know, bearded dragons it insects. They are fed on the insects for several times. And some insects eat oranges. So, these insects are eaten by bearded dragons that feed on oranges. And the insects that eat oranges are Roaches, crickets, discoid roaches, Dubai, Lobster roaches, etc. These insects eat oranges, and these insects are eaten by bearded dragons. So the question is, are they safe for your bearded dragon or not?

bearded dragon

It is said that the insects have no effect of Orange on it. So, it is totally safe for your bearded dragon. And you can feed these insects to your bearded dragon. When these insects eat oranges, they don’t get the acid in them. In reality, they absorb the calcium from the oranges. The citric acid of Orange is broken down in these insects. And this makes them more nutritious for your bearded dragon. And that is why your bearded dragon can eat these insects rather they feed on oranges.

But you have to keep in mind that the insects must not eat the oranges more than twice a week. If the insects feed more on oranges, that might be harmful to your bearded dragon. So, keep the proportion and ratio proper.

Is Orange Juice Good for Bearded Dragons?

Is Orange Juice Good for Bearded Dragons?

Another thing is orange juice for bearded dragons. Orange juice is also not good for your bearded dragon.

orange juice
Orange Juice

As we have seen, oranges have their own side effects for bearded dragons, so orange juice is also the same. Orange juice does not create any different effect than whole Orange.

So, it is the same as the orange content. It also contains fruit acid and more sugar content. So, it does not make any difference between whole Orange and orange juice. So do not feed orange juice to your bearded dragon. Or your bearded dragon cannot drink orange juice.

Which Oranges Are Good, Blood Oranges or Navel Oranges for Bearded Dragons?

There are several types of oranges, as we have seen the Mandarin oranges. Similarly, there are blood oranges and navel oranges. These are both types of oranges. Still, the question is, can bearded dragons eat blood oranges or navel oranges? And the answer to it is no. Bearded dragons cannot eat blood oranges or navel oranges. Both blood oranges and navel oranges are not good for bearded dragons.

As they are both rich in calcium but still contain citric acid. Also, they contain more quantity of sugar in it. blood oranges contain more amount of sugar in it. so they are also not good options for your bearded dragon. so do not feed any type of Orange to your bearded dragon. if you feed oranges to your bearded dragon, that may cause a severe disease to them. so Keep your beardies away from Oranges.

Some nutrients are available in oranges, which are suitable for bearded dragons. However, due to the other toxic nutrients, bearded dragons cannot eat oranges. Which means oranges are not good for bearded dragons. The content in oranges is good but not good for the health of bearded dragons.

So, we say that Orange is nutritious but harmful for bearded dragons. Here are some nutritional values in oranges, which are determined by a vet doctor. Oranges have 0.9 grams of protein in a hundred grams. Even oranges have 86% of water content in them. Then it has 11 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of Orange. Oranges contain 2% of the fibre in them.

It also contained 0.15 g of fat per hundred grams of oranges. Oranges also contain 23 mg of phosphorus and 43 mg of calcium per 100 g of nutrition in oranges.

Despite being so nutritious, oranges cannot be fed to breed dragons.

Nutritional Content in Oranges for Bearded Dragons

NutrientAmount (per 100g of Orange)
Protein0.9 grams
Water Content86%

Which Are the Other Fruits Bearded Dragons Can Eat?

In spite of oranges, we can feed other fruits to our bearded dragons. There are some other fruits that you can feed your bearded dragons. Some fruits are safe for your bearded dragons. So, we will be talking about some fruits that are good and safe for your bearded dragons. These fruits are low in sugar and have more nutritional value. The fruits that are safe for bearded dragons are apricots, raspberries, strawberries, dates, figs, etc.

These fruits have good nutritional value and are recommended by Vet doctors. Doctors say that these fruits are safe for bearded dragons as they contain low sugar levels and low acid levels. And here are some fruits that are given as salad toppings. These fruits are figs, mango, apples, papaya, cantaloupe, etc.

These fruits contain a little bit more sugar, so they can be only given as a topping of salad. Do not try to give these fruits in more quantity. Give the fruits to your bearded dragon as suggested by your vet doctor only.

Conclusion: It’s a No for Oranges

While the idea of diversifying your pet’s diet is commendable, oranges are not the way to go. The risks outweigh the benefits, and there are plenty of other, safer options to explore. Stick to what’s proven and always consult your vet when in doubt.

To know more about what bearded dragons eat, you can read this article on Wikipedia. Remember, a healthy dragon is a happy dragon!

So, peel away the idea of feeding oranges and stick to safer fruits and veggies!


  1. “Bearded Dragon Care Sheet – Feeding and Diet.” VCA Hospitals. Accessed October 3, 2023.
  2. “Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism in Reptiles.” The Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice. Accessed October 3, 2023.
  3. “The Relationship Between Diet and Health in Bearded Dragons.” Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery. Accessed October 3, 2023.

Note: While the articles linked above provide valuable information, it is always best to consult with your veterinarian for personalized advice tailored to your bearded dragon’s specific needs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Q. Which are the types of oranges that are good for bearded dragons?

Ans. There are types of oranges like bloody oranges, navel oranges, and Mandarin oranges. But none of these oranges are good for bearded dragons. They all contain fruit acids and high sugar in them. And that is why none of the oranges are good for bearded dragons.

Q. What if I feed oranges to my bearded dragon?

Ans. There are many drawbacks to feeding oranges to bearded dragons. If your bearded dragon eats small pieces, then it might be okay. But still, it has choking drawbacks for your bearded dragon.

If your bearded dragon eats oranges, then he may get diarrhoea. And that may cause difficulty for your bearded dragon. So avoid feeding even a small quantity of oranges to your bearded dragon.

Q. Are fruit and vegetable diets enough for bearded dragons?

Ans. Bearded dragons require 75% of protein in their diet. So, only feeding on fruits and vegetables is not enough for the adult bearded dragon. And the baby bearded dragon should not at all be fed on vegetables and fruits.

They require more amount of proteins than adult bearded dragons. So, only feeding them fruits and vegetables is not at all enough in their diet. You have to give them a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, and other proteins.

Q. How toxic is eating oranges by bearded dragons?

Ans. As we have seen, the fruit acids are available in oranges. These fruit acids and oxalic acids are toxic for bearded dragons.

The fruit acids and oxalic acids disturb the calcium formation in bearded dragons. And all this may cause diarrhoea in the bearded dragon’s stomach. And then, the bearded dragon gets diarrhoea, which increases the development of pinworms.

The pinworms are very dangerous for your bearded dragon. So feeding oranges to bearded dragons can cause an increase in pinworms. So do not feed any of the fruits and vegetables without the permission of your vet doctor.

Syrian Hamsters: Guide on How to Care: Info, Traits & Facts https://petlada.com/syrian-hamsters/ https://petlada.com/syrian-hamsters/#respond Wed, 02 Aug 2023 06:35:48 +0000 https://petlada.com/?p=997 We all love pets. Especially the lets with small size and full of fur on their body. We are talking about a similar pet, which is a Syrian Hamsters. These are small in size and have fur on their body. And that is why they look cute. So people love to pet Hamsters because of their cuteness. In this journey, we will learn about the Syrian Hamsters, Syrian hamster lifespan, Syrian hamster colors available, long-haired Syrian hamsters, and how long a Syrian hamster lives. To learn more about Syrian hamsters, read the points below;

Syrian Hamsters

Why Syrian Hamsters Are Popular Pets?

Various reasons come for their popularity in families. The first reason is their cuteness with furry bodies. So people get attracted to them. The next reason is they live just for 3 to 4 years. So there is less time for commitment. People love pets that require less time to take care of. Next Syrian hamsters require half an hour daily to groom. So no more efforts are needed to take care of them. That is why people prefer petting Syrian hamsters. Syrian Hamsters look like teddy bears, so people love them to pet. So we will go through their features and specifications below;

What Is the Origin of Syrian Hamsters?

Syrian hamsters are from Syria. They were found in the year 1930. From then they are kept as pets by families. Syrian hamsters look like teddy bears and are also known as golden teddy bear hamsters. Their golden fir makes them look like a golden teddy bear. That is why people gave their name as Golden Hamster. You can also find them in the Middle East part of Israel. These pets are growing in large quantities for petting. As they come from Syria so we call them Syrian hamsters. We will get to know in detail about them in the points below;

Syrian Hamsters Available in Different Colors and Looks:-

As specific, they are found in golden color. But by breeding them, they are available in various colors. You can find them in white, grey, and brown colors. Then talking about their body, they are fluffy and stout. They have a stocky body. Also, they have a small tail, which is not visible due to their fur.

Body Specifications of Syrian Hamsters:

  • Their weight is 5 to 7 ounces, 120 to 160 grams.
  • Syrian hamsters become 12 to 17 cm, 5 to 7 inches in size as they grow. You can carry it easily in your hands.
  • The special thing is that their ears and jawbone are dark brown, except for other body parts.
  • Syrian hamsters have soft bodies with very soft cheeks. They store food in those cheeks. So they are known as cheek pouches.
  • They have big eyes and small ears. Their ears are covered with fur.

These are the specifications of Syrian hamsters.

What Are the Qualities of Syrian Hamsters as a Pet?

Syrian hamsters are the most popular pets for many families. People love Syrian hamsters as a pet due to their furry nature. The nature of the Syrian hamster is very calm and easy to manage and handle. If you want to train them, they will be trained easily. And they are slow-paced in nature. So it is very easy to train a Syrian hamster. Every person of every age can have a Syrian hamster as a pet. As it is small and calm, it becomes easy for everyone to handle it like a pet and take care of it. These pets are playful at night, which means they are nocturnal. They like to sleep during the day and play at night. They will play around you in the house if you leave them free. You can have more than one hamster in your house, making it easy for them to play. There is a wheel that hamsters like to run. Syrian hamsters run on that wheel to exercise and maintain their body. This is why you can pet Syrian hamsters.

Syrian Hamster Lifespan:

Syrian Hamster Lifespan

As we have seen before, the lifespan of a Syrian hamster is near about 3 to 4 years. People prefer to pet Syrian hamsters because of their short lifespan. Before the adoption of Syrian hamsters, the family goes under a test. In this test, we find whether they are ready for the commitment of 3 to 4 years only. Some love animals, so they become more emotional. That is why they confirm the commitment of families. As Syrian hamsters are small and bred, their lifespan is small. So they are very comfortable for people with short-duration petting commitments.

What Factors Influence the Syrian Hamster’s Lifespan?

The following are the factors that will affect and influence the lifespan of Syrian hamsters;

  • Their sickness: If they become sick, they may die early. So keeping them healthy is the family’s choice and responsibility.
  • Their diet and nutrition: Another factor that matters in their lifespan is their diet and nutrition. They require a proper diet and nutrition. If there is a problem with their nutrition and proper diet, then Syrian hamsters‘ lifespan may affect.
  • Exercise they do: Another factor is exercise. If they do not run through the wheel, then their body may affect. Exercise is very much important for Syrian hamsters.
  • The environment they live in If the housing environment is not proper and suitable for them, then their lifespan may affect. So try to keep it healthy and free.
  • Genetics: Another factor is genetics. Sometimes it comes from their previous genes. Their lifespan may affect due to previous genes of their ancestors.
  • Free and happy environment: This is the main factor that may affect the Syrian hamster’s lifespan. It is rarely seen that a hamster lives for 6 to 7 years. But it requires all conditions to be satisfied.

Types of Long-Haired Syrian Hamsters:

As we have seen before, Syrian hamsters have long hair and fur. That makes them a teddy bear or golden teddy bear hamster. Naturally, animals have short hair so that they can manage everything. But by breeding them and using breeding techniques, they are developed as long-haired, short-haired, stain and rex. These Syrian hamsters are also known as Angora hamsters. Female hamsters, they have fur, not long hairs. And male Syrian hamsters have long hair. These long hair require more grooming and attention. Long hair can get Tangled easily, so giving proper attention is necessary. You get small combs for Syrian hamsters. You will be able to detangle their hair easily. Following are the types of long-haired Syrian hamsters;

Satin Syrian Hamsters:

The first one is the satin Syrian hamsters. These are also long-haired Syrian hamsters. These hamsters are very shiny and soft. They are very beautiful and fluffy. It is bred with a glossy sheen coat on its body. And this coat provides a shiny look to them. Managing their glossy hair is much more difficult if not taken care of on time.

Rex Syrian Hamsters:

Another long-haired Syrian hamster is rex Syrian hamster. It is also a bred hamster. They are new in North America. And they are common in Europe. Talking about their long hair, they have crimping and curly type of hair. Even their hair is wavy. But their hair is dense but short. Because of their breeding, they have short and dense hair. Normal ones are different, and Rex is different. But still, find it hard to recognize them.

Types of Coat Colors of Syrian Hamsters:

As breeding takes place, Syrian hamsters can be in any color. But they are specifically in golden color. We will see different Syrian hamsters with different color coats;

Black Syrian Hamster:

You can find Syrian hamsters in black color. Syrian hamsters with black color are not black. They have white patches too. They are bred with a black coat. So they appear black with white spots or patches on their belly and toes.

Cream Syrian Hamsters:

Another color you can find in Syrian hamsters is cream color. This is the common type of color coat in Syrian hamsters. We can also say they are orange or in Sandy color. Their category is based on the eye color of Syrian Hamsters. If the hamster has red eyes, then it has flesh color eats. And if the hamster has black eyes, they have dark grey ears. But they are cream in color. So these are the common Syrian hamsters found in maximum families as a pet.

Beige Color Coat Syrian Hamsters:

Another color coat you can find is beige color. These colored Syrian hamsters are rare. They do not breed these color-coat hamsters in more quantity. According to his rare feature, beige Syrian hamsters are smaller when they are small and have kinked tails. This is why beige color Syrian hamsters are rare in color and features.

Sable Color Syrian Hamsters:

Other hamsters you can find are Sable color Syrian hamsters. In 1975 they saw. They were called black Syrian hamsters. But actually, they are Sable colored Syrian hamsters. This hamster has a black coat from the outside and a cream coat from the inner side of the hair. This is why it is called the Sable color Syrian hamster. It has black eyes, dark grey ears and a black color belly. His eyes are covered in ivory cream color.

These are the different Syrian hamsters available in different color coats.

Where Do Syrian Hamsters Live, and Their Cages?

As we know, Syrian hamsters are pet animals. People keep them in various types of cages as they are territorial. They like to live on the ground. Each Syrian hamster lives in a single cage. In one cage, one hamster lives. They do not live in the group in a cage because they can fight with each other. Their cage is very different according to their size. They love to be alone and calm. So they do not tolerate other Syrian or other hamsters in their cage. And if you still keep them together, that will create stress between them. So it is preferred to keep them in separate cages. This is how Syrian hamsters like to live.

How Should Be the Cages of Syrian Hamsters?

Cages of Syrian Hamsters

Syrian hamsters are calm and single-living animals. They love to live single in the cage. According to the study, they need a larger cage to live. According to that, the cage must be 360 square inches from the floor. The dimensions of the cage must be 30×12 inches. There must be space of two cubic feet which can be 55 liters. If you have a bar type of cage, then the distance between two bars must be not more than 1cm. According to the study, Syrian hamsters require large size cages. You can purchase the cages from online shopping sites. Select a cage that has enough space to keep the food bowl and water bowl of your hamster. Then the cages made up of stainless steel and ceramic are preferable. And this is because these materials cannot be chewed by hamsters. Check whether the cage is for an adult hamster or a dwarf hamster. Sometimes you can find your hamster chewing the bars. This happens when the space is very small, or they need toys.

How Can I Care for My Syrian Teddy Bear Hamster?

Taking care of them is an important part of their daily life. Hamsters do not require much effort. Training them properly can make your work easy. Below are the steps to take care of your hamster;

  • The first step is to let your hamster get known to the place. Keep your hamster without handling him.
  • Secondly, you can begin communication with your hamster. Try to take your hands near the cage. Do not put your hand directly in the cage or on your hamster.
  • Nextly, start putting your hand slowly to communicate with the hamster and touch it very lightly or gently.
  • Then start taking the hamster in your hands without any hurry or rush.
  • To make the hamster more friendly, you can play with him daily. This will reduce the space between you and the hamster.
  • While taming your hamster, do not wake him up from sleep. Let his sleep complete. If you do that, it will create a negative effect on him. So be aware.
  • You have to take care of his cage cleaning daily. Change his sleeping cloth and change his water bowl weekly.
  • Bring some toys like balls that you especially get for Syrian hamsters.

Toys That Syrian Hamsters Love to Play With:-

There are some specific toys that hamsters love to play. Some toys are tubes, wheels, etc. Syrian hamsters require more toys to play with. They get bored easily playing with a single toy. You can include toys like toilet roll tubes, cardboard boxes, cereal boxes, etc. Hamsters love chewing toys. Their teeth size is maintained, and their size always grows, so they need toys. Even the study suggests keeping wood in the cage of Syrian Hamsters. With the wheel, they require toys with variety. Instead of giving them home toys, bring specific hamster toys. Those toys are specifically made for hamsters. So we prefer that option. The best option is a wooden ladder bridge. That will be the best toy for a hamster. Hamsters can easily chew the wooden ladder bridge and will not be harmed.

Keep a Hamster Wheel Inside the Cage of a Syrian Hamster:-

You have to keep a wheel of a hamster in the cage. They require exercise with other things too. A cage is important to let them know they are fetching the food. And this will keep them healthy. That is why the wheel is very important in Syrian hamsters‘ cages.

How Should Be the Hamster Wheel?

Following are the points you must take care of while getting a hamster wheel;

The Wheel Should Be Large;

The wheel should be large enough, so that hamster can run and fit into the wheel. The wheel size should be about 8 inches.

Buy a Plastic Hamster Wheel;

Try to buy a wheel of plastic. That will be safe for your hamster. The wheel with steel material or metal can hurt your hamster. So to keep them safe, select a plastic hamster wheel. Some metallic wheels have sharp edges that can hurt hamsters. The plastic one will not be joint. So that will be safe for your Syrian hamster.

The Best Toys for Syrian Hamsters That Are Available on Amazon:-

Following are the best toys for hamsters that are available on Amazon;

  • Niteangel natural wooden hamster mouse tunnel tube toy forest hollow tree trunk.
  • Niteangel wooden ladder bridge, hamster mouse rat Rodents toy, small animal chew toy.

What Is the Best Food and Diet for Syrian Hamsters?

Diet for Syrian Hamsters

Syrian hamsters are small-tailed pet animals. Their diet is a very important part. They like to eat meat, seeds and plants. They are Omniverse animals. In the market, different types of foods are available for hamsters. There are specifically two types of foods those are pelleted hamster food and seed hamster food. These two foods contain nuts, seeds and grains in it, which makes them a healthy food for Syrian hamsters. The diet of the Hamster must contain 15 percent of protein and 6 percent of fat. The following are the best foods that you can give to your hamsters;

Oxbow and Gerbils Hamster Foods:

These two foods are full of vitamins. This is the complete balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Oxbows and Gerbils give energy to your hamster. And even they play an important role in developing the immune system. It contains prebiotics and antioxidants. Oxbo essential hamster and Gerbils food is the best available option on Amazon.

Seed Food for Syrian Hamsters:-

This is the traditional type of food for hamsters. It has a mixture of various seeds. Previously people used to give these seeds to hamsters. But hamsters used to become picky in selecting their favorite seeds. So proper nutrition was not provided by seeds. Other nutrients are also essential for their proper growth.

Treats That Syrian Hamsters Love:-

Sometimes you must give treats to your Syrian hamsters. Giving treats can improve their diet and energy. Some treats are the best option for Syrian hamsters. But Syrian hamsters also love to have their favorite treats. Following are the green veggie treats that hamsters love;

  • Cabbage
  • Green spinach
  • Carrots
  • Banana

These are the treats that you must give your hamsters twice a week. But treats like citrus fruits are not good for hamsters. So avoid giving oranges or sour fruits to hamsters.

What If My Syrian Hamster Gets Pregnant?

Syrian hamster babies can be a good option to get connected more with hamsters. But due to some reasons, it is not suggested by American human society. They say that;

  • Syrian hamsters eat their babies when they are born.
  • At a time, a Syrian hamster female can have 7 to 8 baby hamsters. So it won’t be easy to handle and keep them in one place. So it would help if you found it immediately.
  • New homes for them.
  • Institutions like Petco do not take small animals.

If you still have Syrian hamster babies, follow the points below;

  • You can take care of the hamster’s mother if she is pregnant. Feed her food with more calories and protein.
  • Then keep the cage space free without having any toys in it.
  • Please stay away from the cage till it gives birth to babies. If we go near babies, their bodies will get our smell. And mother hamsters will not accept those babies.
  • Keep watch whether there is ample food and water in the cage.
  • If labour starts, it will continue for 1 to 2 hours. So keep watch in between the labours without going near the cage.
  • Even you must stay away from the cage for two weeks so that mother will accept the babies.

This is all you have to take care of when the Syrian hamster gets pregnant.

How Can I Adopt Syrian Hamsters?

They are the way to adopt from a pet house. Their cost is about 5 to 20 dollars. They are cheap to buy. It is a good option to adopt a hamster. Adopting a Syrian hamster is a better option. They need a better shelter instead of a pet store. Before adopting the Syrian hamster check the documents and whether they are good in health.

What Are the Facts About Syrian Hamsters?

  • As Syrian hamsters are from Syria, which is a hot desert area.
  • The hamsters live in the burrows underground due to the climate.
  • They can dig up to 11 yards deep in the ground.
  • Like humans, they also have different rooms for their different purpose. They have separate rooms for food, living, and urination.
  • These types of burrows can keep them safe from hot climates, cold climates, and other animals too.
  • They go into the hibernation phase when the climate goes cold at night.
  • Syrian hamsters can live in temperature that is 60 to 78 degree Fahrenheit which is 15 to 25 degree Celsius.
  • And after the temperature drops, the hamsters can go into their hibernation.

Teeth-Related Facts About Syrian Hamsters:

As their teeth are in a continuous growing phase every time. So they require something to chew. So they always find something to chew. So that they can maintain their teeth length. And even if they are from a rodent family, they grow teeth. So we suggest keeping toys like wooden ladder bridges for gnawing. They will chew it to maintain the size of their teeth.

What Is the Difference Between Syrian Hamsters and Dwarf Hamsters?

  • They both are different in size from each other.
  • Dwarf hamsters are less in color, while Syrian hamsters are available in various colors.
  • Syrian hamsters love to live alone, but dwarf hamsters can live with other Hamsters of the same sex.
  • Dwarf hamsters require proper care and daily checkup, but Syrian hamsters do not require any special care.

How to Handle a Syrian Hamster?

As they are small in size and calm, they are easy to handle. They need low maintenance to take care of them. They need to be tamed before handling them. You have to handle them in your hands gently. Please do not use your rough hands to pick them up. They are active at night and sleepy during the day. So while they are sleeping, please do not disturb them.


How Do I Get to Know the Mood of My Syrian Hamster?

Ans: They are happy after waking up from sleep. If you disturb them, they will become rude and unhappy. If they stretch their body and burrow in the bed, they are happy.

Can I Handle My Syrian Hamsters in Hand Every Time?

Ans: Yes. They like to be cuddled. But not very roughly. Keep them softly in your hands. They will easily come into your hand after a week of taming.

What If My Syrian Hamster Bites?

Ans: Clean that area immediately with soap and water. Then you can show it to the doctor.

https://petlada.com/syrian-hamsters/feed/ 0
Is Eating Thyme Safe For Chickens? (Full Feeding Guide) https://petlada.com/thyme-for-chickens-near-me/ https://petlada.com/thyme-for-chickens-near-me/#respond Thu, 20 Jul 2023 10:46:16 +0000 https://petlada.com/?p=982 What is thyme? Thyme is one of the herbs versatile in nature and is fed to chickens. This herb contains nutrients like Fibre, vitamin C, iron, copper, and manganese at high levels. But it can be given to chicken only as a treat and not simultaneously. Thyme is the better option for chickens. So the people doing poultry farming prefer thyme food for their chickens. We will get to know more about thyme in the points below:-


Why thyme is best for chickens?

It is the best treatment option for chickens. It contains nutrients that will help the chicken to get more nutrients. But feed the thyme in moderation only. Even it will help the chicken to develop their physical and immunological health. Thyme is best for the health of the chicken. It will treat the pests that are in the stomach of chicken. The chickens can eat thyme directly from the plant. Or they can eat it by mixing it with other feed. And they can also have it freshly cut from the plant. This is why thyme is a better option to feed the chickens.

Is it healthy to feed thyme to chickens?

As we saw that thyme has health benefits that will provide nutrition to chickens. It is less popular than other food for chickens. It benefits chicken because it has nutrients like vitamin C, iron, manganese, etc. And these nutrients are beneficial for health. So it is healthy to feed thyme to chickens.

What are the health benefits of thyme?

It has health benefits. Following are some health benefits of feeding thyme to your chickens;

Keeps immune system healthy

The first benefit of thyme is to boost the immune system of your chicken. 

Thyme contains vitamin C and Vitamin A, which will be beneficial for the immune system of your chicken. We can see a joint alignment in chickens. Thyme will help to reduce this alignment in chickens. It will also help the chicken to fight against colds and other respiratory issues. You can use thyme to give relief from the flu to your chickens. Thyme will maintain the body temperature and help to boost immunity.

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Holland Lop Bunnies & Rabbit – Everything You Need To Know

Thyme helps to remove pests

Another health benefit is that it will help to get rid of pests. Just rub the thyme on the skin of your chickens, and all pests will stay away from them. Thyme contains essential oil that helps to keep bugs and pests away from your chickens. That oil is known as insecticidal oil to stop insecticidal activities. It stops the insects like mosquitoes, lice, bugs, and ticks from biting the chickens. So this is why thyme is beneficial for chickens. It is also beneficial externally as well as internally.

Thyme works as an antibiotic and antibacterial agent


Another benefit is that thyme is an antibiotic and antibacterial for your chickens. If your chickens face any health-related issues, thyme will work as an antibiotic and antibacterial agent. It will fight with bacterial infections that your chickens have. If there is any internal and serious disease, thyme will help to reduce it by its antibiotic properties. So add thyme to the diet of your chickens. That will be beneficial for the good health of your chickens.

Thyme helps in respiratory issues:

Here is another benefit of thyme. It will help your chickens to overcome if they have respiratory issues. Thyme works on respiratory infections and diseases and helps to cure them to some extent. So you can feed thyme to your chickens as a treat. Including thyme in the diet of chickens can provide lots of health benefits. So these are the health benefits of thyme if you feed it to your chickens as a treat.

Can I feed thyme sprigs to my chickens?

As there are no side effects or toxic ingredients in thyme sprigs, so do not cause any harm to chickens. But the thyme sprigs are very hard to chew for your chickens. And even they are hard to digest for your chickens. But you can feed thyme sprigs in various forms. Firstly you can chop thyme sprigs into very fine pieces. And secondly, you can make the thyme sprigs fine by grinding them. As the thyme sprigs grow, they become dry like wood. So it will be difficult to feed the chickens. Instead, feed the thyme sprigs when they are fresh and green. Di not feed the wood thyme sprigs to your chickens. As it converts into wood, it will be useless, and all nutrients are gone from it. So feed fresh thyme sprigs to your chickens.

How can I feed thyme to chickens?

fresh thyme for chicken feeding

Feeding thyme to chickens is not a difficult part but a very important part. Feeding chickens is easy because they are not very picky about their food. But to keep them healthy, you have to feed them good quality food only. You can wash the thyme to remove bacteria and pests from the thyme. And then only feed the thyme to them. This is how you can feed thyme to your chicken. Now following are three different ways using which you can feed thyme to your chickens;

Method 1: Mix thyme with other food

You can try this type of feeding of thyme for your chicken. Thyme cannot be loved by all the chickens in Raw or single form. So you can feed the thyme with other feeds to your chicken. Sometimes thyme may get more nutritious with other foods, so mixing it with other foods will increase the nutritional value of thyme. I can add fresh thyme to the food of the chicken. This is how you can feed thyme to your chickens.

Method 2: Feed fresh thyme to chickens without adding other foods

Another method you can use is feeding thyme without adding it to other feeds of chicken. Chickens may enjoy raw or fresh thyme. So you can freely feed them as it is. Check whether your chickens love it raw or with other foods. Feeding fresh thyme can increase the nutritional value of thyme. The leaf part of thyme is more lovable. So pick the leaves and feed them. This is the way you can feed thyme to your chickens.

Feeding fresh thyme near me in my garden

Another way to feed the chicken fresh thyme is in your garden. Leave the chickens in the thyme garden and let them feed on the thymus plant itself. If you are a poultry farmer, then you can grow thyme in your garden. This will help your chickens to get fresh thyme. But keep a fence to the plant thyme so that chickens will not be able to eat the whole thyme plant. As we all know, they may eat whole plants of thyme. The next caution is to grow the thyme plant away from other plants. This is because chickens can ignore the thyme plant considering it is another plant. So make a separate garden of thyme. And this is how you can feed thyme to chickens.

How to and how much of thyme can I feed to my chickens?

Thyme of the best nutrition feed for chickens. But it doesn’t mean it should be the main feed of chickens. Feeding only thyme can be harmful to chickens. So feed the thyme in moderation. It is said that thyme and other treats must be only 10% of the whole diet. Another percent of the diet should be their casual daily food. If you mix thyme plus commercial foods, then it may be more nutritious for chickens. Thyme should be like a treat and not like whole food. You have to take a handful of thyme and throw it in front of them while they are eating. They will pick up with other feed. This is what the proper diet for chickens thyme with other commercial food. It is good enough to feed thyme twice a week. Only a handful of thyme is enough for chickens. This is the proper way and quantity to feed thyme to your chickens.

How can I grow thyme near me?

Below are simple points you need to consider while growing thyme in your garden;

Good variety of thyme to select from

There are various varieties of thyme plants available on the market. You must be able to select the best variety of thyme to grow in your garden for your chickens. The variety named Thyme vulgaris is the best thyme variety that is good for chickens. It has a flavor that chickens like mostly. So bring this variety if you want to grow thyme in your garden.

How to plant thyme?

There is a proper method using which you can grow thyme in your garden. You can grow it using seeds and plants. If you select a plant, cut a four-inch plant branch and sow it. To sow the seeds, sow them seven weeks before frost day. Keep the soil moist with water. Cut the leaves 2 inches above the soil. This is how thyme planting is done.

How to water thyme plant?

Thyme requires soil with 6 to 8 pH. Then it needs full sunlight. Thyme also doesn’t require more watering to it. It would help if you watered it when it is dry to feel for your hands. These are the conditions for growing thyme.

When to harvest the thyme?

Thyme is harvested when the plant grows up to 6 inches tall. You can cut leaves to feed fresh or dried leaves to your chickens. And also, you can cut thyme branches if they are new and not dried. This is you can grow thyme near you.

What precautions should I take while feeding thyme to chickens?

You need to consider the following points while feeding thyme to your chickens;

Feed thyme in moderation only, as we have seen in before points. If you feed excess thyme to your chickens, that can cause digestion-related problems. And if your chicken is new to thyme, then feed thyme in moderation only.

The next thing you should consider is that feed only fresh thyme to your chickens. Older thyme can cause infection and digestion issues.

Another problem is related to an allergy to thyme. Some chickens can be allergic to thyme. To check that, you have to observe your chickens while having thyme. Check whether they have any allergic reactions after feeding them.

Sometime you may spray pesticides on thyme. And that can be harmful to your chickens. Before feeding thyme to chickens, you can wash them thoroughly.

Next is about medications. If your chicken is under medication treatment, then you can avoid giving thyme to your chickens. Or you can ask your veterinarian about feeding thyme to your chickens.

List of herbs that you can feed to chickens:-

Below are the herbs that you can feed to your chickens as a good alternative to thyme;

  • Parsley
  • Mint
  • Oregano
  • Basil
  • Sage
  • Dill
  • Lemon balm
  • Rosemary

Oregano for chickens:

Another alternative for thyme is oregano. This plant also can be fed to your chickens. Oregano has antioxidants in it. It helps to prevent diseases and infections in your chicken’s body. It is full of Vitamin E, iron, dietary fiber, manganese, calcium, tryptophan, and Vitamin K. Using oregano as a feed can be helpful in killing bacterial infections in your chickens. But the oregano must be fresh.


Another better option is parsley. This can also be the best feed for your chickens. Parsley is a healthy option for chickens. It has many benefits due to its nutrients. Parsley has Vitamin A, Vitamin C, calcium, minerals, potassium, magnesium, and Vitamin K. If you feed parsley to your chickens, it can cause health benefits for your chickens.

More About Fresh Thyme For Chickens

Q. Which foods are not edible for chickens?

Ans: Chickens can’t eat plants like aloe vera, foxglove, horse nettle, comfrey, and henbane. Chickens only have specific foods that are commercial.

Q. Herbs that chickens like to eat:

Ans: Chickens love the variety of herbs. But mostly, they like thyme, oregano, parsley, lemon balm, etc.

Q. What is the fresh thyme market?

Ans: You have to search for a poultry market where you will find fresh thyme market. From there, you can get fresh thyme for your chickens.

https://petlada.com/thyme-for-chickens-near-me/feed/ 0
Holland Lop Bunnies & Rabbit – Everything You Need To Know https://petlada.com/holland-lop-bunnies-rabbits/ https://petlada.com/holland-lop-bunnies-rabbits/#respond Sun, 16 Jul 2023 11:54:55 +0000 https://petlada.com/?p=956 Animals are the gift of nature. As we humans are part of nature seen, animals are also part of nature. Various animals develop in various environments and countries. If an animal is not found for any reason, it might be in another region. Animals also live according to nature and the environment. In this article, we will learn about an animal that is small in size and found in a specific region, the Holland lop rabbit.

Holland Lop Bunnies & Rabbit

The Holland lop rabbit is also known as Holland lop Bunny. This species of rabbit is found in the Netherlands. It is said that the Holland loop rabbits are the first-bred version of dwarf French lop in the Netherlands. They are small in size and less in weight. We all love Holland Lop Bunny or rabbits. These rabbits were added with dwarf genes, so they are compact. The ears of holland lop Bunny are the main attraction for people. So we will learn more about Holland Lop’s lifespan and many other things in this article.

Special specifications of holland lop Bunny rabbit

  • It is small and compact.
  • The Holland lop rabbit weighs 2 to 4 pounds.
  • They have hang-down ears, which makes them different from other rabbits.
  • Holland Lop Bunny is dwarf in size.
  • They can be kept as a pet.
  • They are especially found in the Netherlands.
  • These are the specifications of holland lop Bunny.

What care should we take of the Holland lop rabbit?

Holland lop Bunnies are small and compact, so care must be taken. It is not very to pet or take care of the Holland lop rabbit. One should trim their nails at least once a month. Their hair is so shiny and furry. So it would help if you took care of their hair. You must brush or comb them once a week. And that will keep their hair shiny and furry. Their hair is thick and smooth, so not so hard to groom them.

You can keep them in a wire cage that easily keeps dirt away. But before that, keep something soft on the wired cage. So that the wired cage cannot hurt its legs, and you must be careful about the material from which the cage is made. The cage should be made of metal or a hard material so they can’t eat or chew the cage, as we all know that Holland lop Bunnies are experts in chewing. Even it will be easy for you to clean their cage every time. Then talking about the size of the cage or space they need. The cage size must be 20 x 24 bigger. This is all about how to take care of the grooming of the Holland lop rabbit.

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How playful and active are Holland lop rabbits?

They are very playful and active. And they require more space to run and jump. So it would help if you designed their cage according to that. The cage must be kept in a place where there is no closing of doors. We suggest you keep your lop free in your house. Let them stretch their legs in the house. But one care you must take is of open wires in your house as we know that bunnies love to chew, so they can chew the wires that are open in the house. So try to cover and protect wires if your Holland lop bunny is set free in the house. If you keep the cage in the open room, it will be a better option for the bunny.

Another thing you must take care of is the separate litter for your bunny. If your bunny needs to poop, then there must be a separate litter for your bunny. If you have a yard outside, then you can set your bunny free in the yard. But be with your bunny when he is out in the yard. Take your bunny out in summers and warmer climates. Holland lop rabbits are very active, and they can get out of the yard easily. So being with them is very important. This is how a Holland lop Bunny can be active and playful.

Which are the healthy foods for Holland lop rabbits?

Holland Lop is very specific with its food. They like to eat healthy and fresh food. The food they love to eat is fresh pellets and fresh water to drink. The water must be fresh, which is changed every day. They do not like dirty water to drink, so you continuously need to keep an eye on their drinking water. Their favorite foods, like pellets and hay, should be given once a day. The other food being treated should not be given simultaneously or frequently. The treat should be given only as a treat. Even you can feed them fresh vegetables but not very frequently. Their other favorite food is chewing on wood. They love to chew branches and twigs. They chew because they love to keep their teeth healthy and have strong gums.

Heath issues in holland lop

If the food is provided properly, then there are no health-related issues in Holland lop rabbits. Specifically, there are no major health-related issues in holland lop Bunnies. But it would help if you kept an eye on them. Regular checkup is needed for holland lop. So take them to the vet regularly to avoid minor health issues. So feed them properly and take them to the vet regularly. This is all you can do for the good health of your Holland lop.

Bringing your new Pet Holland Lop Bunny

Holland is the better option if you are thinking of petting them. As we can pet another bunny, we can pet Holland lop rabbits. We do not require any special skill to pet a Holland lop. As their nature is playful and active, they require toys and a healthy atmosphere to play. Holland lop can be a pet only in a playful and free atmosphere. One thing you must keep in mind is that the toys must be safe for them. The toys should be made up of cardboard. The other sharp objects must be kept away from the Holland lop. Prepare some cardboard boxes and tubes for your bunny. Holland lops like to play with other bunnies and children. Holland Lop enjoys playing with children. And they feel good when we gently scratch behind their ears.

Holland Lop Bunny

You need to observe your bunny and see which toys are mostly loved by them. If they are seen climbing and hiding, then bring them similar toys to climb and hide. But keep in mind the safety of your bunny. Holland lops are social animals. They love to be with children and around other rabbits. They also enjoy interactions with humans. You can interact with them while grooming them. When you groom them, they will sit in one position. Set them free if you are petting holland lop, and let them run around you and come to you. This is the best suggestion to pet Holland lop Bunnies. Let them be with you all the time and play around with you. This is how a Holland lop rabbit can be a good pet.

Physical features of Holland Lop rabbit

We will see the color and looks of holland lop Bunnies:-

Color of holland lop rabbit

Mostly the Holland lop is available in fawn and light orange colors. The bit you can find them in other colors like the purple-grey combination and other combinations too. They are seen in various colors like chocolate, black, cream, etc. The most common shade you will find them in is brown. The other color they are available is white. White color can appear them to be as a rat. So white is not a common color in Holland Lop. You can find them in color patches too. So this is all about the color of Holland Lop.

Looks like holland lop bunnies/rabbit

Holland lop is dwarf and compact. They also have toned and muscular bodies. Their ears are so attractive with an almond shape. Their ears are long and are fallen down on their body. You can see claws on their paws for jumping, and they are not used very frequently. And they also come with small and stubby legs. Holland Lop has red as well as black eyes. Some may have red eyes, and some may have black eyes. They also have a bushy tail with fur on it. Feeding them weed and wood can maintain the size of their teeth. Otherwise, their teeth may grow if not chewed. Their body makes them active, energetic, and playful all the time. You just need to keep a watch on their health and food. You will find them 2 to 4 pounds in weight. This is what physical features say about Holland’s Holland lop rabbit.

The temperament of holland lop

They are of energetic and playful temperament. They love to be with children. Holland lop can be skittish in temperament. They love to be in a calm and quiet place. They love to be alone and calm. And they enjoy being in free air space with no closed environment. Then they love toys that are of cats for playing. If the atmosphere is calm, they prefer to be calm.

How long do Holland Lops live?

Talking about the holland lop lifespan, it lives up to 7 to 10 years. It has a minimum lifespan of 10 years and not more or less than that. It can be less if you don’t pet Holland Lop properly. If they have any health-related issues, then their lifespan may decrease. If you keep them in a good and healthy atmosphere, then their lifespan may increase. Regular checkups and regular exercise can keep your Holland lop healthy. They get scared easily, so keep them in a free atmosphere.

Health-related conditions of Holland lop rabbits

There are a variety of common health conditions in Holland Lop.

Dental condition

This can be a common condition or disease in Holland lops as their teeth grow, so they require proper weed to chew and maintain the size of their teeth. Even their teeth need a proper diet to get proper nutrients. If the teeth of Holland lop grow excessively, then they create improper alignment of teeth, and then it may create an infection in the mouth. So keeping their teeth in alignment is very important. After the infection, an antibiotic treatment is given. But if it does not work, surgery can take place to remove the infection. This is why a dental disease condition can go too severe for a Holland lop.

Otitis condition in holland lop

This is another condition a Holland lop may go through if not treated properly. This is a. ear infection in Holland lop rabbits. In this condition, the ears of the bunny become swollen, inflamed, and itchy—the fold present in the ear of the bunny store wax in it. And if the wax is not removed or cleaned regularly, that may cause ear bacterial infection. If you see your bunny scratching ears simultaneously, weight loss, or swelling symptoms in your bunny, then take him to the vet. In this condition, their head can be seen to be tilted. And even they can get paralysis and seizures in this condition. Antibiotic and vet treatment can cure the otitis condition in Holland lop rabbits.


Another common condition in holland lop is parasitic attack. The parasite Cheyletiella mites can cause hair loss and itchy skin. But it is curable using anti-mite medications. Even if you take them to the vet, they will cure them. The parasite that is most dangerous is E cuniculi. This parasite can spread from one rabbit to another by the urine. The parasitic attack can be symptomless. So regular checkup is important.

Bladder and uterine cancer condition in holland lop

Another condition that may hit your Holland lop rabbit is bladder and uterine cancer. Uterine cancer is most common in bunnies. It may cause fertility issues. So you have to prevent your Holland lop rabbit from all these conditions.

Find more details about holland lop on Wikipedia.

https://petlada.com/holland-lop-bunnies-rabbits/feed/ 0
19 Best, Safe & Healthy Treats for Hamsters – Pet Lada https://petlada.com/treats-for-hamsters/ https://petlada.com/treats-for-hamsters/#respond Thu, 13 Jul 2023 10:01:36 +0000 https://petlada.com/?p=950 Hamsters are delightful and popular small pets cherished for their playful nature and adorable appearance. As responsible pet owners, it is crucial to prioritize their well-being by providing a nutritionally balanced diet. One way to enhance their diet and offer them a bit of indulgence is by incorporating safe and healthy treats for hamsters

When selecting hamster treats, several factors should be considered. Hamsters have specific nutritional requirements that include a proper balance of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. 

It is essential to choose treats that complement their regular diet and contribute to their overall well-being. Additionally, it is vital to avoid treats that contain harmful ingredients or additives that could jeopardize their health. Certain foods, such as chocolate or caffeine, are toxic to hamsters and should be strictly avoided. Careful attention should be given to ingredient labels to ensure that treats are safe for consumption. By providing safe and healthy treats, we can enhance our hamsters’ lives and contribute to their happiness and vitality.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Treats for Hamster

Before we delve into the list of treats, it’s essential to understand the factors to consider when selecting treats for hamsters. 

  • Hamsters have specific nutritional requirements, including protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Choose treats that complement their regular diet and provide added nutritional value for hamsters.
  • Avoid treats that contain harmful ingredients and additives, such as chocolate and caffeine.
  • Read ingredient labels carefully to ensure treats are safe for hamsters.
  • Consider any allergies or sensitivities your hamster may have when selecting treats.
  • Watch for adverse reactions like digestive upset or skin irritations.
  • Discontinue any treats that cause adverse reactions and consult with a veterinarian.
  • It’s important to consult with a veterinarian who specializes in treating hamsters for guidance on suitable treats and dietary considerations.

Top 19 Safe and Healthy Treats for Hamsters

  1. Fresh Fruits: Fresh fruits are a great source of vitamins and fiber for hamsters. Some safe options for treats for hamsters include apples, bananas, berries, and melons. Cut the fruits into small, bite-sized pieces to make it easier for your hamster to eat and enjoy the treats for hamsters.
  2. Fresh Vegetables: Vegetables are excellent additions to a hamster’s diet and can also be used as treats for hamsters. Carrots, broccoli, cucumbers, and peas are all safe and healthy options. Remember to wash the vegetables thoroughly and cut them into small, manageable portions for treats for hamsters.
  3. Seeds and Nuts: Hamsters love seeds and nuts, making them popular choices for treats for hamsters. Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, and walnuts are all suitable treats. However, remember to remove any shells or husks to prevent choking hazards when offering treats for hamsters.
  4. Grains and Cereals: Whole grains provide carbohydrates and fiber to your hamster’s diet. Oats, barley, quinoa, and brown rice can be cooked and offered in small amounts as occasional treats for hamsters.
  5. Dried Mealworms: Dried mealworms are a protein-packed treat that hamsters enjoy. They can be found in pet stores and are a safe and healthy option for treats for hamsters.
  6. Yogurt Drops: Hamsters love the taste of yogurt, making yogurt drops a delightful occasional treat for hamsters. Look for yogurt drops specifically formulated for hamsters, as they are free from artificial sweeteners and additives that may harm hamsters.
  7. Small Pieces of Plain Cooked Chicken: As omnivores, hamsters can enjoy small portions of plain cooked chicken as an occasional treat. Make sure the chicken is boneless and cooked without any seasoning or spices, as treats for hamsters.
  8. Rice Cakes: Rice cakes are a low-calorie and crunchy option that hamsters can enjoy. Look for plain rice cakes without any added flavors or preservatives as treats for hamsters.
  9. Dandelion Greens: Fresh dandelion greens are safe for hamsters and provide additional vitamins and minerals as treats for hamsters. Ensure that the greens are pesticide-free and thoroughly washed before offering them to your pet hamsters.
  10. Blueberries: Blueberries are small and packed with antioxidants, making them an excellent treat for hamsters. They can be fed in moderation as an occasional sweet treat for hamsters.
  11. Papaya: Papaya is not only tasty but also aids in digestion due to the presence of enzymes. Offer small pieces of ripe papaya to your hamster as a healthy and enjoyable treat for hamsters.
  12. Peanuts: Peanuts, in moderation, can be a delicious source of healthy fats and protein for hamsters. Ensure that the peanuts are unsalted and free from any additives when using them as treats for hamsters.
  13. Kale: Kale is a nutritious leafy green that hamsters can enjoy in small amounts. It provides essential vitamins and minerals, but remember to wash it thoroughly and remove any tough stems for treats for hamsters.
  14. Millet Sprays: Millet sprays are a favorite among hamsters and provide both physical and mental stimulation as treats for hamsters. They can be hung inside the cage, allowing your hamster to nibble and play with the treats for hamsters.
  15. Cauliflower: Cauliflower is a safe and healthy treat that can be offered to hamsters. It is low in calories and high in fiber, making it a great addition to their diet as treats for hamsters.
  16. Chia Seeds: Chia seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, making them a nutritious addition to treats for hamsters. Sprinkle a few chia seeds onto your hamster’s food or offer them as a small treat for hamsters.
  17. Parsley: Parsley leaves are a flavorful and nutritious treat for hamsters. They contain vitamins A, C, and K and can be offered in moderation as treats for hamsters.
  18. Raspberries: Raspberries are a delicious and refreshing treat for hamsters. Rich in antioxidants, they can be offered in moderation as a tasty snack for hamsters.
  19. Pea Flakes: Pea flakes are made from 100% dried peas and are a healthy treat option for hamsters. They provide additional protein and fiber to their diet as treats for hamsters.
Healthy Treats for Hamsters

How to Introduce Treats to Hamsters

Introducing new treats for hamster should be done gradually to avoid digestive issues. Hamsters have sensitive digestive systems, and sudden dietary changes can lead to stomach upset or other health problems. When introducing a new treat, start by offering a small piece and observe your hamster’s response. Pay attention to any signs of discomfort, such as diarrhea or decreased appetite. If your hamster shows no adverse reactions and enjoys the treat, you can continue to provide it in moderation.

Moderation is key when it comes to treating your hamster with treats for hamsters. While treats can be a delightful addition to their diet, excessive indulgence can lead to weight gain and other health issues. As a general guideline, treats should not exceed 10% of your hamster’s daily food intake. This ensures that their main diet remains balanced and meets their nutritional needs while still allowing for the occasional treat.

It’s important to remember that hamsters have different dietary requirements based on their age, breed, and overall health. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate amount and frequency of treats for your specific hamster. They can provide personalized guidance based on your hamster’s unique needs.

Treats to Avoid for Hamsters

While we have explored a variety of safe and healthy treats for hamsters, there are certain foods that should be avoided to ensure their well-being. These foods can be harmful or even toxic to hamsters and should be kept away from their diet:

  1. Chocolate: Chocolate contains theobromine, which is toxic to hamsters and can cause severe health problems if ingested.
  2. Caffeine: Hamsters are highly sensitive to caffeine, and its consumption can lead to adverse effects on their cardiovascular and nervous systems. Avoid giving your hamster any food or drinks that contain caffeine.
  3. Onions and Garlic: These foods belong to the allium family and can cause damage to a hamster’s red blood cells, leading to anemia. It’s crucial to keep them away from your hamster’s diet.
  4. Avocado: Avocado contains a substance called persin, which is toxic to many animals, including hamsters. Avoid feeding your hamster any part of the avocado, including the flesh, skin, or pit.
  5. Sugary and Fatty Foods: Foods high in sugar and fat should be avoided as they can lead to obesity, diabetes, and other health issues in hamsters. These include sugary snacks, processed foods, and greasy treats.
  6. Citrus Fruits: While some hamsters may enjoy small amounts of citrus fruits, such as oranges or lemons, they can cause digestive upset in others. It’s best to introduce citrus fruits cautiously and monitor your hamster’s reaction.

By being mindful of these prohibited foods and focusing on safe and healthy options, you can ensure the well-being of your hamster and provide them with treats that promote their health and happiness. Always consult with a veterinarian for specific dietary recommendations and guidelines for your hamster’s unique needs.

The Bottom Line

Providing safe and healthy treats for your hamsters is a great way to add variety to their diet and enhance their overall well-being. The 19 treats mentioned in this article, including fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and other options, can be given in moderation as treats for hamsters. Remember to consider their nutritional requirements, avoid harmful ingredients, and introduce new treats gradually for hamsters. By offering these treats, you can ensure that your hamsters enjoy a balanced and enjoyable diet.

Remember, treats for hamsters should be given with care and always consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your hamsters’ diet or health. With responsible treat-giving and a balanced diet, your hamsters will thrive and enjoy a happy and healthy life by your side. Treats for hamsters should be chosen wisely to provide them with the best possible nutrition and enjoyment.

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Robo Hamsters: A Guide to Their Care, Behavior, and Information https://petlada.com/robo-hamster/ https://petlada.com/robo-hamster/#respond Wed, 05 Jul 2023 05:36:05 +0000 https://petlada.com/?p=921 Robo hamsters, scientifically known as Phodopus roborovskii, are small, adorable creatures that have captured the hearts of pet enthusiasts worldwide. These tiny hamsters, also known as Roborovski hamsters or robo dwarfs, are native to the deserts of Central Asia. Despite their small size, robo hamsters have gained immense popularity as pets due to their charming personalities and unique characteristics.

Robo hamsters are the smallest of all hamster species, typically measuring just 2 to 3 inches in length. They have a distinctive appearance with a sandy brown or gray coat, a white belly, and a short tail. Unlike other hamsters, robo hamsters are known for their incredible speed and agility, making them fascinating to watch as they dart around their enclosures.

Physical Characteristics and Behaviour

Physical Characteristics and Behaviour

A. Size, Weight, and Lifespan of Robo Hamsters

Robo hamsters are the smallest of all hamster species, typically measuring around 2 to 3 inches in length when fully grown. They weigh between 20 to 25 grams on average. Despite their diminutive size, they have a relatively long lifespan compared to other hamsters, living for approximately 2 to 3 years with proper care.

B. Unique Physical Features and Color Variations

Robo hamsters have several distinctive physical features. They have round bodies, short legs, and a relatively short tail compared to other hamster species. Their fur is dense and soft, often colored in shades of sandy brown or gray on their backs, while their bellies are white. Some robo hamsters may have small patches of white or dark fur on their faces or bodies, adding to their individuality.

C. Activity Patterns and Nocturnal Nature

Robo hamsters are highly active creatures known for their constant movement. They are extremely fast runners and agile climbers, often darting around their enclosures or scaling the various toys and structures within their habitats. They are also skilled diggers, thanks to their strong front paws and sharp claws.

It’s important to note that robo hamsters are primarily nocturnal, meaning they are most active during the night. They tend to sleep during the day and become more energetic once the sun sets. Their nocturnal nature should be taken into consideration when planning interactions and activities with them.

D. Social Behavior and Compatibility with Other Hamsters

Robo hamsters have a reputation for being more sociable than some other hamster species. While they can be kept individually, they can also thrive in pairs or small groups if introduced properly. It’s important to note that same-sex pairings or groupings tend to be more successful than mixed-sex combinations, as robo hamsters may breed prolifically if kept together.

However, introducing hamsters to each other should be done gradually and carefully to avoid potential conflicts. It’s recommended to provide each hamster with its own separate living space initially, gradually allowing supervised interactions to gauge their compatibility. Monitoring their behavior is crucial, and if any signs of aggression or stress are observed, it’s best to separate them and provide individual housing.

Housing and Habitat

A. Choosing the Right Cage and Bedding Materials

When selecting a cage for your robo hamster, it’s important to choose one that provides ample space for them to move around and exhibit their natural behaviors. A wire cage with narrow bar spacing is recommended to prevent escapes. Avoid cages with plastic parts, as robo hamsters have a tendency to chew on them. Additionally, provide a solid bottom to prevent injuries to their feet.

For bedding, choose a safe and comfortable material such as aspen shavings, paper-based bedding, or shredded paper. Avoid cedar or pine shavings, as the aromatic oils can be harmful to your hamster’s respiratory system.

B. Setting Up a Suitable Environment with Hiding Spots and Toys

Robo hamsters are active creatures that require an enriching environment. Provide plenty of hiding spots, such as tunnels, igloos, or small cardboard boxes, where they can retreat and feel secure. Add platforms, ramps, and different levels to promote exercise and exploration. Various chew toys, tunnels, and wheels are excellent additions to keep them mentally and physically stimulated.

C. Temperature and Humidity Considerations

Robo hamsters are adaptable to a wide range of temperatures, but they prefer a relatively constant and moderate environment. Keep the temperature between 65°F to 75°F (18°C to 24°C) and avoid placing their cage in direct sunlight or near drafts. Ensure that the humidity levels in their habitat remain within a comfortable range, avoiding extremes.

D. Proper Cleaning and Maintenance Routines

Maintaining a clean living environment is essential for your robo hamster’s health. Spot clean their cage daily, removing any soiled bedding, uneaten food, or droppings. Every week, perform a thorough cleaning by emptying and washing the cage with a mild detergent, rinsing it well, and drying it thoroughly before adding fresh bedding.

Regularly check and clean their food and water containers, ensuring a constant supply of fresh water. Monitor their cage for any signs of mold, mildew, or foul odors, as these can indicate the need for more frequent cleaning.

Nutrition and Feeding

A. Dietary Requirements and Preferences of Robo Hamsters

Robo hamsters have specific dietary needs that should be met to ensure their optimal health. Their diet primarily consists of high-quality hamster pellets or seed mixes specially formulated for hamsters. These provide a balanced combination of essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

It’s important to note that robo hamsters have a preference for seeds and grains. However, it’s advisable to limit the number of seeds in their diet due to their high-fat content. A mix of pellets and occasional seed treats is a good compromise.

B. Types of Commercial Hamster Food and Their Nutritional Value

Commercial hamster foods come in pellet or seed mix forms. Pellets are nutritionally balanced and help ensure that your robo-hamster receives all the necessary nutrients. Seed mixes can be offered as a supplement, but it’s important to monitor the intake to prevent selective feeding and nutrient imbalances.

When choosing commercial food, look for brands that have high-quality ingredients and are specifically formulated for hamsters. Read the labels to ensure they contain a good balance of protein, fiber, fats, and other essential nutrients.

C. Safe Fruits, Vegetables, and Treats for Robo Hamsters

Robo hamsters can enjoy a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables as part of their diet. Safe options include small pieces of apples, carrots, cucumber, broccoli, and leafy greens. However, it’s crucial to introduce new foods gradually and in small amounts to prevent digestive upset.

Additionally, you can provide occasional treats such as mealworms, small pieces of plain cooked chicken, or commercial hamster treats. These should be given sparingly as they can be high in fat and sugar.

D. Importance of Fresh Water and Feeding Schedule

Fresh water should always be available to your robo hamster. Provide a water bottle with a sipper tube attached to the cage, ensuring it is cleaned and refilled daily. Avoid using bowls for water, as they can become soiled or knocked over.

Establish a consistent feeding schedule for your robo hamster to help regulate their eating habits. Provide a measured amount of food once a day, preferably in the evening when they are most active.

Monitor your robo hamster’s weight and overall condition regularly, adjusting their diet as necessary to maintain a healthy weight and prevent obesity-related health issues.

Health and Care

A. Common Health Issues and Signs of Illness in Robo Hamsters

Robo hamsters, like any other pets, can be susceptible to certain health issues. Some common health problems in robo hamsters include respiratory infections, dental problems, wet tails (a bacterial infection of the intestines), and skin conditions. It’s important to be aware of the signs of illness, such as decreased appetite, weight loss, lethargy, abnormal discharge, changes in behavior, or any visible abnormalities. If any concerning symptoms arise, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian experienced in small animal care.

B. Regular Veterinary Check-Ups and Preventive Care

Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial for maintaining the health of your robo hamster. An experienced veterinarian can perform a comprehensive examination, check for any underlying health issues, and provide preventive care, such as vaccinations and parasite prevention. They can also offer guidance on nutrition, habitat, and general care specific to robo hamsters.

C. Hygiene Practices and Grooming Needs

Robo hamsters are generally clean animals, but regular hygiene practices are still essential. Clean their cage regularly, removing soiled bedding and ensuring a clean and dry environment. However, avoid excessive cleaning as it may disrupt their scent markings and cause stress.

Robo hamsters are proficient self-groomers and will keep their fur clean. However, if you notice any soiling or matting of their fur, it may be necessary to gently wipe them with a damp cloth or seek veterinary advice for proper grooming techniques.

Breeding and Reproduction

A. Understanding the reproductive cycle of Robo hamsters

Robo hamsters reach sexual maturity at around 4 to 5 weeks of age. Females come into estrus every 4 days, with a receptive period lasting about 12 to 24 hours. Mating typically occurs during this time, and if successful, the female will become pregnant.

B. Responsible Breeding Practices and Considerations

Breeding robo hamsters should only be undertaken with careful consideration and responsible intentions. Before breeding, ensure that you have suitable homes for the potential offspring. It’s essential to avoid indiscriminate breeding or backyard breeding, as it can lead to overpopulation and hamster welfare concerns.

Consider the genetic background and health of the parent hamsters to avoid passing on hereditary diseases or conditions. Breeding unrelated hamsters or seeking guidance from experienced breeders can help maintain genetic diversity and overall hamster health.

C. Caring for Pregnant Hamsters and the Birthing Process

Once a female robo hamster is pregnant, provide her with a quiet, stress-free environment. Ensure that her cage is equipped with nesting materials like shredded paper or tissues. Monitor her closely, providing a nutritionally balanced diet and access to fresh water.

The gestation period for robo hamsters is approximately 20 to 22 days. As birth approaches, the female will construct a nest and become more restless. During labor, she may exhibit signs of discomfort and vocalization. Allow her privacy and observe from a distance to avoid causing additional stress.

D. Care of Baby Robo Hamsters and Potential Challenges

Once the babies, called pups, are born, avoid unnecessary disturbances for the first few days. The mother will nurse and care for the pups, keeping them warm and clean. It’s crucial not to handle the pups excessively to avoid interference with their bond and development.

Monitor the litter for any signs of health issues, such as poor weight gain, lack of activity, or abnormal appearance. Seek veterinary assistance if you have concerns. Be prepared to separate the male and female pups once they reach sexual maturity to prevent unintended breeding.

The Final Note

Robo hamsters make delightful and engaging pets, but it is important to have a comprehensive understanding of their characteristics, care needs, and behavior. This article has provided a comprehensive overview of everything you need to know about robo hamsters. 

From their physical characteristics and housing requirements to their nutritional needs, health care, and handling techniques, we have covered many topics. By dispelling misconceptions and providing accurate information, potential owners can make informed decisions and provide a loving and nurturing environment for their robo-hamster companions. With proper care and attention, robo hamsters can bring joy and companionship to their human caretakers for many years to come.

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